Chapter 913 Leave
"I'm not very clear, but I can inquire and contact you when I have news." Gu Yiting thought for a while and replied.

He has a good relationship with Zhang Haoran, but he hasn't been in touch recently, so he doesn't know Zhang Haoran's situation.

As for Hu Xiuyuan, she didn't bother to talk to him at all, and of course she didn't know much.

"Senior Sister Gu, I'm sorry."

Su Yi thanked him, then chatted with Gu Yiting for a few words before hanging up the phone.

Later, instead of calling others, he walked around the campus.

Due to the people from Biluozong and Leiming Mountain coming here, the campus was empty, not even a single person was seen.

He was leaving Yuancheng today, and he didn't know when he would be able to return, Su Yi felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

After walking around the campus, he returned to the martial arts arena again.

At this time, people have already come here one after another.

The familiar faces of Pei Lin brothers and sisters, Lu Cheng, Shen Gongyue, and Li Qingchuan appeared in front of Su Yi.

Moreover, with the passage of time, more and more people came to the Martial Arts Field.

Su Yi even discovered that even Ling Haotian's brothers and sisters had brought their families.

You know, he didn't notify him before, and he doesn't know where Ling Haotian got the news.

However, since the other party is willing to follow, there is no need for him to refuse people thousands of miles away.

[Smart chariot] When returning, Su Yi let it carry people to the forbidden area of ​​death again.

Since there are too many people coming here, it is impossible to send them all in one trip, so I can only make two extra trips.

When the [Smart Chariot] delivered all the people safely and returned to Su Yi, it was already dark.

Su Yi stood alone in the martial arts arena, looking a little lonely.

"Su Yi, do we still want to stay in Yuancheng?" [Smart Chariot] asked strangely.

After Biluozong and Leimingshan learned of the changes here, they would definitely send strong men to chase and kill Su Yi.

It's too dangerous to stay here.

Su Yi looked a little melancholy, and said with a sigh of relief: "Let's go to Wind Wing City next."

Wen Haomiao and Mao Jiazhi were trapped in Fengyi City, and they went here this time to rescue them.

In addition, look for ethereal stones.

Because without the Spirit Stone, the Demon Planting Tower cannot be moved, and without the Demon Planting Tower, the rear base is still incomplete.

"When are we going to Wind Wing City?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"Enter Windwing City tomorrow."

Su Yi said: "But Yuancheng can't stay any longer, let's leave here first."

The powerhouses from Thunder Mountain and Bi Luozong will kill them at some point, if it is a powerhouse from the God Realm who comes, it will not be easy to escape.

Behind, Su Yi flew away from Yuancheng in the [Smart Chariot].

"One day I will come back. At that time, no one can take Yuancheng away from me!"

When the outline of Yuancheng gradually disappeared from sight, Su Yi swore secretly.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for a while, when it was less than a mile away from Fengyi City, it flew down under Su Yi's signal.

There are mobile phone signals around the city, and Su Yi has not paid attention to the warrior forum for a long time.

I wanted to take advantage of this time to take a look, and learn about Blue Star's developments by the way.

Just when she took out her mobile phone, Gu Yiting suddenly called.

"Senior Sister Gu, what's the matter?"

Su Yi quickly connected the phone.

"Su Yi, something happened to Zhang Haoran." Gu Yiting's voice was a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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