Chapter 918

"No. 2, Su Yi hasn't come yet? Is he going to be okay?" Zhang Canyang asked worriedly.

"Is something going to happen to Su Yi?"

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Even if the whole Yanyue City is blown up, Su Yi will be fine."

He guessed right, Su Yi was indeed fine.

The reason why they didn't catch up was because they were destroying the tunnel behind them.

Although the explosion fruit destroyed the entire dungeon, it was not certain whether it could kill the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has seen him enter the tunnel, and if he is not dead, he will reveal this matter.

At that time, the people from Wugong Mountain will follow the tunnel and follow the vines to chase and kill them.

So this hidden danger must be removed.

Yanyue City.

With a loud bang, the whole city trembled.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of many experts in Wugong Mountain.

When it was determined that the explosion came from the dungeon, many strong men came one after another.


A silver-haired old man suddenly flew down from the sky.

This person has a rare appearance, but his eyes are piercing, and there is a layer of terrifying aura rippling all over his body.


There was a sound of respect all around.

The silver-haired old man nodded slightly, squinted his eyes and glanced around. When he saw that the dungeon was completely destroyed, a cold light shot out from his eyes, and he said coldly, "Who will tell me what happened here?"

A martial artist from the Illusory Spiritual Realm of Wugong Mountain quickly responded, "Sovereign, this place is where Jin Hongxuan and others are imprisoned, but for some reason, they were suddenly hit by a powerful lightning attack and destroyed this place."

Because the person who spoke had never seen the fruit of the explosion, he misjudged that he was attacked by Leifa.

Hearing this, the silver-haired old man pondered for a while, and said, "Who is guarding this place?"

"It's Elder Si Fengmao."

Someone answered right away.

Si Fengmao is a martial artist at the fifth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, that is, the middle-aged man who broke into the dungeon before.

"Where is Si Fengmao?"

The silver-haired old man's voice turned cold.

Si Fengmao's failure to prevent the destruction of the dungeon was a dereliction of duty.

And Wugong Mountain's punishment for such people is quite severe.

"Sect Master, the elder Si is already seriously injured, and he is lying there."

A disciple of Wugong Mountain pointed in a direction and replied respectfully.

The silver-haired old man swept away, and soon found a man whose whole body was like charred charcoal.

"Si Fengmao, who destroyed this place?"

The silver-haired old man walked up to Si Fengmao, squinted his eyes, and asked in a cold voice.

Si Fengmao coughed violently, his voice was a little weak, "The suzerain is a strange young man, he should be less than 20 years old."

"A young man under the age of 20?"

The silver-haired old man frowned deeply, with a look of disbelief on his face, "You don't know what to look for, do you? Would you have the ability to destroy a dungeon with one blow before you're 20?"

This dungeon is very strong, and it can be destroyed with a strike of thunder, and its strength is close to that of the gods.

Will you have the power to reach the gods when you are less than 20 years old?

Isn't this bullshit?

Si Fengmao quickly explained, "What he released was not a lightning spell, but a fruit containing the power of the thunder system, and the number reached hundreds."

"I see."

The silver-haired old man let out a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Do you know his origin?"

Dare to save people under the eyes of Wugong Mountain, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do, he wants to see who is so bold!
(End of this chapter)

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