Chapter 931
"Your captain should be here, right?"

Su Yi glanced at the two guards and asked in a cold voice.


The two guards trembled and said in unison.

Su Yi then withdrew his gaze and strode into the manor.

Suddenly, a large number of Thunderbolt Mercenary Group members poured out from the manor. All of them had powerful auras, and almost all of them possessed the Soul Gathering Realm.

Especially the fat old man at the head, whose aura is quite bursting, he should undoubtedly be the Illusory Spiritual Realm warrior from the Thunderbolt Mercenary Group.

When they saw the bodies of the three of Wei Cangming, they were all furious.

All of them stared at Su Yi with fierce expressions.

Su Yi's murder at the headquarters of the Storm Thunder Mercenary Corps is tantamount to hitting them in the face!

If you don't give severe punishment, how will you hold your head high in Wind Wing City in the future.

"Boy, did you kill them all?"

The fat old man held back his anger and questioned Su Yi in a cold voice.

"I killed it."

Su Yi generously admitted.

"Give me a reason!"

The fat old man's face suddenly darkened, and his voice was cold.

"It's very simple. You guys from Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps injured my friend, and I'm here for revenge." Su Yi said calmly.

"Dare to come here for revenge, you are very kind!"

The fat old man grinned and said, "I admire your courage, but you must die today!"

After the words fell, a khaki fruit suddenly appeared behind him, exuding strong fluctuations of the earth element.

Su Yi looked young, but he was able to kill the man with the scar at the tenth level of Soul Gathering Realm, which proved that he was extremely strong.

In order to avoid capsizing the gutter, he directly embodied the concrete objects.

"Your figurative object is not good!"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the yellow fruit, then chuckled.

So far, he has seen more than a dozen concrete objects.

The most powerful among them is Jin Hongxuan's golden long sword.

The obese old man's figurative object was most likely made of a very low-grade spiritual material, and it was the worst figurative object he had ever seen.

"It's more than enough to kill you!"

The fat old man snorted coldly.

It is true that his concretization is very poor, but no matter how bad it is, it is not something that Gathering Soul Realm warriors can resist.

Su Yi actually looked down on him, he was so shameless!

"Then let me see its power."

With a relaxed face, Su Yi hooked his fingers towards the fat old man.

Seeing this provocative action, the obese old man couldn't stand it any longer. He stretched out his hand to point at Su Yi, and the yellow fruit on his back turned into the size of Zhang Xu, like a huge boulder, and fell towards Su Yi in the air.

There was no wave on Su Yi's face. Just as the boulder approached, a bright light suddenly ignited on his right hand, and he punched out suddenly.

The fist hit the boulder heavily, and when the two came into contact, the boulder exploded and turned into a piece of dust under the ravages of chaos.

The obese old man spat out a spray of blood, his breath rapidly fading.

The figurative object was destroyed, and he was seriously injured!

"what's the situation?"

The people in the thunderstorm mercenary group around were all dumbfounded.

A figurative object in the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm was smashed to pieces by a punch from a Soul Gathering Realm warrior?

is this real?

When did soul-gathering warriors become so fierce?

"My God! Is he still human?"

The bearded guard trembled in his heart.

In the front, Su Yi killed a tenth-level warrior of the Gathering Soul Realm with one punch, which had already brought him a strong shock.

Never thought about it, it was just an appetizer.

Su Yi's strength was beyond his guess.

Even figurative objects can be smashed, which is too terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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