Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 941 Ke Zhenqing's News

Chapter 941 Ke Zhenqing's News
"If you don't accept Blue Star Coins, what do you accept?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

The owner of the supermarket took a look at Su Yi, answered the wrong question and said, "Young man, you just came to Sanqing City, right?"

"How do you know?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

He did come to Sanqing City just now, and he flew here.

The whereabouts are secret enough, how did the other party know?
The supermarket owner chuckled, "Because Sanqing City canceled the use of Blue Star Coins a few days ago, the locals already knew about it, and only you outsiders don't know about it."


Su Yi suddenly realized.

According to the other party, Sanqing City should have been taken over by the forces of Xuantian Continent.

Otherwise, the Blue Star Coin transaction would not be abolished.

"Boss, if I want to buy something, what should I trade for?" Su Yi asked instead.

I came here mainly to buy things, and I can put aside other things for the time being.

"In exchange for things, you can also use spirit crystals to buy them." The supermarket owner said bluntly.

Su Yi squinted his eyes and looked around, and asked calmly: "Boss, how many spirit crystals do you have in your store? I mean middle-grade spirit crystals."

Bartering is too troublesome, he will definitely not choose.

Simply buy it directly with spirit crystals, anyway, there are still a lot of spirit crystals in [Qiankun Ring].

The supermarket owner was stunned for a moment, and tentatively said, "You mean to buy everything?"

Although his supermarket is not big, it has a lot of things.

Ordinary people will never be able to buy them all in one go.

Su Yi looks very young, and his clothes are also very ordinary. He doesn't look like someone rich and powerful. Does he really have this ability?
Isn't it just to tease him?
"Boss, you can just say as many spirit crystals as you want." Su Yi smiled.

"If it is a middle-grade spirit crystal, you need five."

Seeing that Su Yi didn't seem to be joking, the supermarket owner made an estimate and said the price in his mind.

If it were normal, three middle-grade spirit crystals would be enough.

But today's Blue Star is in turmoil, which has caused prices to rise a bit, and the original purchasing power must be lost.

Su Yi quickly took out five middle-grade spirit crystals, "Boss, everything in the supermarket is mine now."

After confirming that there is no problem with the spirit crystal, the supermarket owner said happily, "It's all yours, take it as you like."

Su Yi opened the [Qiankun Ring] directly, and quickly filled it with things.

But after a while, the entire supermarket was emptied.

Seeing Su Yi put everything into a ring like a magic trick, the supermarket owner was shocked on the spot.

I thought to myself, could this be the legendary space storage ring?

People who can own this kind of treasure are definitely not ordinary people!
"Boss, why is Sanqing City so deserted?" After collecting the things, Su Yi asked instead.

The owner of the supermarket regained his composure and explained: "The people in the City Lord's Mansion are arresting a person, and now it is tantamount to martial law."

"Catch who?"

Su Yi asked with a turn of his mind.

The owner of the supermarket glanced out and said in a low voice, "Ke Zhenqing, the former deputy head of the guard army of Sanqing City."

"It's him!" Su Yi frowned.

The last time he rushed to rescue Sanqing City, Ke Zhenqing was the first person to contact him.

Su Yi has a good feeling for Ke Zhenqing, and he has fought together, so he has established a friendship.

If Ke Zhenqing is really in danger, he can't sit idly by.

"Where are the original high-level officials in Sanqing City? Have they been arrested?" Su Yi asked.

Ke Zhenqing's status in Sanqing City is not the highest, even he was arrested, so what about Tan Guangyao and others?
(End of this chapter)

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