Chapter 956 Please


Jin Hongxuan was a little confused?

What Su Yi meant was to let him play with the people of the Hai Clan.

But what's the fun?

How easy is it to kill directly?

When Jin Hongxuan was about to inquire, he saw Su Yi blinking at him, and then, like a hurricane, he rushed towards a sea clan in the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

"court death!"

A look of contempt appeared on the face of the Sea Clan.

Although Su Yi's speed was as fast as thunder, the aura he exuded was only at the ninth level of the Soul Gathering Realm.

What is the difference between mere Soul Gathering Realm Ninth Layer daring to come here alone and death.

This sea tribe didn't even have a concrete object, and directly released water aura to wrap around his fist, and threw it at Su Yi who was rushing towards him.

Seeing that the opponent was so overbearing, a strange smile crossed the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and then he circulated the [Tiger Tiangang Fist] and Chaos Spiritual Qi, and bombarded them out without flinching.

"What a horrible smell?"

Just when Su Yi released the chaotic aura, everyone felt a strong sense of oppression.

Even Jin Hongxuan and Lin Shuyi were no exception, because it was the first time for them to see the energy of chaos.

The Hai tribe who chose to be with Su Yi's hard steel felt even more deeply.

At this moment, he even felt a breath of death, and his heart trembled violently.

After realizing Su Yi's horror, he really wanted to manifest something concrete.

However, Su Yi was so aggressive that he didn't give him any chance at all.

In desperation, the Hai Clan could only bite the bullet and punch this punch.

A loud bang.

After the two fists collided without fancy, the fist of the Hai tribe turned into a blood mist, and an arm and the whole body were also smashed into pieces.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, all the Hai people were dumbfounded.

Is it true that a Sea Clan at the first level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm was punched and killed by a human race at the ninth level of the Soul Gathering Realm, and they were crushed?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they were still in a daze.


Lin Shuyi took a deep breath.

Although Su Yi had known for a long time that he possessed the strength to kill Lv [-] warriors in the Illusory Spirit Realm, he was still extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

Yuan Siying clicked her tongue, "No wonder you can subdue the evil insects, so they are already so powerful!"

"Where did Junior Sister Lin find such a powerful helper?"

In the wooden attic, after the two men glanced at each other, they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

They were the two trapped in Seven Star Island.

Originally, when she saw that Lin Shuyi brought only two people, she was still very worried.

But after seeing Su Yi's strength, he felt certain in his heart.

Although Su Yi is only at the ninth level of the Gathering Soul Realm, the strength he displayed is even more terrifying than that at the second level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

With the help of such a strong person, the mere sea clan will not be in trouble!

Just when everyone was in a trance, Su Yi suddenly waved at Jin Hongxuan, "Senior, please."

After saying that, under the surprised eyes of the crowd, he picked up his speed and headed towards the sea quickly.

Seeing Su Yi's actions, the Hai people were stunned.

The two people in the wooden attic looked blank.

Lin Shuyi and Yuan Siying also don't know why.

Jin Hongxuan's mood was even more complicated.

Su Yi's words before leaving undoubtedly reminded him to let him play with the Hai people.

The complicated reason is that Su Yi instantly killed a Sea Clan when he came up.

If it were him, he would not be able to kill the Sea Clan for a long time.

What would others think?
Anyway, he is also a martial artist of the tenth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm!

Doesn't this show that he has embarrassed him?

(End of this chapter)

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