Chapter 958 Strength Soars

"not bad."

A smile flickered across the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and then he exerted all his strength, pushing his arms outward.

The tentacles wrapped around his body exploded, turning into pieces of meat and falling to the surface of the sea.

The red snail octopus screamed, and quickly plunged into the sea.

Realizing that Su Yi is an extremely strong man, extreme panic arose in its heart, and it just wanted to run for its life.

Images of braised and cold octopus had already appeared in Su Yi's mind, how could the red snail octopus escape.

I saw a flicker in the air, and he flew towards the red snail octopus, and blasted its head with a punch.

Throw his body directly into the 【Qiankun Ring】.

Then, he locked his eyes on a whale.

This whale is more than 100 meters long and is covered in meat!
If you kill it, you will get dozens of tons of food.

Su Yi rushed over excitedly, and in order to make a quick decision, he directly used the energy of chaos to kill him instantly.

At the same time, the sound of the system echoed again.

"Touch the Yanqian Chijia Whale, extract 300 Qi and blood points, and extract 300 quenched body attributes. The host's Qi and blood level has been promoted to 44 levels, and the body quenching level has been promoted to 34 levels."

Although the aura was not extracted this time, the extracted qi and blood and body quenching attributes were relatively more, and Su Yi was quite satisfied.

Later, he continued to hunt down other sea monsters.

For a moment, the entire sea was filled with a layer of panic.

All the sea monsters began to flee here and there.

Although there are tens of thousands of them, their cultivation is only at the sixth level of the Gathering Soul Realm.

Facing Su Yi, a terrifying existence whose combat power was comparable to the third level of the Illusory Spirit Realm, he was powerless to resist and was instantly killed.

The system's voice kept echoing in Su Yi's mind.

Because of the vigor of killing, Su Yi didn't even know how much ability he had extracted.

When he hunted down a sea monster again, he stopped and listened quietly.

"Touch the Tianfeng Seal Beast, extract 100 Qi and blood, extract 100 tempered body attributes, and extract 100 water aura. The host's Qi and blood level will increase by 9 levels, and the body quenching level will increase by 10 levels. The water aura will automatically generate the energy of chaos [ [-]|[-]], did not meet the upgrade standard."

After listening, Su Yi clenched his hands with excitement.

Although the Qi of Chaos has not been promoted, nor has it extracted special abilities.However, the Qi and Blood Realm and the Body Tempering Realm have soared, both reaching the 12000th level, and the strength value has soared to [-] kilograms, nearly double the previous increase.

After a while, Su Yi calmed down and took out the [Black Obsidian Meteor Sword].

All kinds of sea monsters have been killed, and they cannot continue to extract their abilities later, so they simply use weapons, which can speed up the speed of hunting.

Su Yi slashed out with a sword, and a silver ripple exuding the power of terrifying space swept forward.

Wherever it passed, dozens of huge sea monsters were all killed.

Su Yi collected these Sea Monster Beasts into [Qian Kun Jie], and continued to hunt and kill them with his sword.

After a few sword strikes, hundreds of sea monster corpses floated on the sea surface, and the blood flowing out dyed the entire sea surface blood red.

A pungent smell of blood floated in the air.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the island is like a Shura bathing place.

Su Yi had just collected the carcass of the sea monster, and suddenly found that the sea monster was not hiding around, but plunged into the sea and fled into the distance.

When this happens, it means that the Shanghai people on the island have been beheaded.

The sea monster is no longer under control, so it will flee.

(End of this chapter)

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