Chapter 977

"The rear base?"

Su Yi frowned.

In order to defend against the attack of ferocious beasts, he has already set about establishing a rear base in the forbidden area of ​​death. Those strong men in Xuantian Continent also thought of this step?
But there was one thing he couldn't figure out.

He has a unique advantage in establishing a rear base in the death forbidden area.

Because of the inability to use aura in the forbidden area of ​​death, the strength of fierce beasts and aliens was greatly weakened.

But there is no such restriction in establishing a rear base in Blue Star.How can it resist the attack of the army of fierce beasts?

Another point is that the human beings of Blue Star add up to less than [-] million people. Where can such a large population be housed?
Su Yi was puzzled and said: "Senior, can the rear base resist the beast?"

Gu Wenxin said with a smile: "Blue Star is the weakest planet, and at most only the tenth level of the Ability Realm is allowed to enter. At that time, the rear base will build a large defensive formation, which is enough to resist the attack of the tenth level of the Gathering Realm."

"How big is this building?" Su Yi clicked his tongue.

It is good to be able to build formations to resist fierce beasts, but is it really capable of building them?

In this regard, he expressed doubts.

"Actually, it won't be very big, the formation covering a medium-sized city is enough." Gu Wenxin said.

"so small?"

Su Yi couldn't understand.

A medium-sized city can accommodate a few million people at most, how can Blue Star accommodate so many people.

Seemingly seeing Su Yi's doubts, Gu Wenxin explained: "Among them, there is a strong man who has a dilapidated small world. Although he can't practice in it, his survival is no problem. When the time comes, he will be placed in the small world." It’s okay in the middle.”


Su Yi came to a sudden realization, and his perception of those strong men in Xuantian Continent improved a little.

At least they didn't abandon the humans of Blue Star when the beasts invaded.

This approach is worthy of affirmation.

"Senior, I still have something to do, so I won't talk to you." Su Yi said.

The auction of Xiaoyang City will be held tomorrow, and he intends to enter Xiaoyang City ahead of time to find out the news.

"Okay, we have a chance to see you again."

Gu Wenxin greeted, turned around and returned to the aircraft, and flew away from the forbidden area of ​​death.

Although this trip did not invite Su Yi to join the Zen Buddhism, but he got to know Su Yi and exchanged a Shouyuan Pill, which was quite rewarding.

After Gu Wenxin left, Su Yi also returned to the [Smart Chariot], and then took out a Yi Rong Dan to look at it.

Whether Yi Rongdan has the ability to change his appearance, he intends to verify it.

If it doesn't work, it is easy to cause problems when entering Xiaoyang City.

Later, Su Yi took Yi Rongdan down.

Soon, he felt a sharp itching on his face, as if there were worms wriggling in the flesh.

Fortunately, this feeling dissipated after a while.

Su Yi wiped it on his face, but he didn't know if it had any effect, so he asked [Smart Chariot]: "Number 2, has my appearance changed?"


[Smart Chariot] said with disgust: "Su Yi, I beg you, quickly find something to cover your face, I'm so disgusted!"

Su Yi: "."

How ugly is it? [Smart Chariot] is so resistant?
Su Yi thought for a moment, took out his phone and took a selfie.

"I rely on!"

When he saw the photos on the phone, he almost threw the phone out.

In the photo is an extremely ugly face, the facial features seem to be distorted together, and the skin looks particularly rough as if it has been exposed to the sun.

If you use one word to describe it, it is unsightly.

Not to mention [Smart Chariot], even he felt sick when he saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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