Chapter 981

Five minutes later, Su Yi came to the auction venue.

What appeared in front of him was a huge oval building that looked like a small football field.

On one side of this building, there is a ticket window.

At this moment, there was a line of people standing outside waiting to buy tickets.

Su Yi took a glance and went straight to the back of the line to line up.

The ticket sales were still fast, and within a few minutes, it was Su Yi's turn.

"Ordinary tickets or VIP tickets? Ordinary tickets cost one low-grade spirit crystal, and VIP tickets cost fifty medium-grade spirit crystals." The staff in charge of ticket sales said without looking up.

"Good guy, it's really expensive!" Su Yi smashed his tongue.

The auction venue is so large that at least thousands of tickets can be sold.

If they can sell all of them, it will definitely be a huge income, even he is a little greedy.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't reply for a long time, the staff raised his head and looked at Su Yi, and asked impatiently, "Are you going to buy it or not?"

Su Yi pressed down the peaked cap and said in a low voice, "I won't buy it."

"If you don't buy a ticket, why are you here to join in the fun? Go away, it's best not to make trouble here!" The staff's face darkened, and he warned.

Su Yi wasn't angry either, and said with a smile, "I'm here to post something."


The staff member's face softened a little, and asked, "What do you want to send?"

Su Yi leaned forward and lowered his voice, "Shouyuan Pill."

Behind him there were many people waiting in line to buy tickets, so they spoke in a very low voice to prevent them from hearing.


The staff's eyes lit up immediately.

Su Yi nodded.

"Wait a mininute."

The staff greeted Su Yi, then turned to a woman beside him and shouted, "Xiao Zhang, come here and help me."

After the woman came over, the staff got up and left the ticketing room, came to Su Yi's side, and said enthusiastically, "Hi, my name is Shen Liangpeng, what's your name?"

"Li Dong."

Su Yi casually made up a name.

"Okay, come with me."

Shen Liangpeng greeted and led Su Yi into the auction venue.

Su Yi walked into it and scanned the center of the auction venue, but saw that it looked like a movie theater.

In the front is a high platform covered with a red carpet.

Below the high platform, there are rows of seats, thousands of them.

In addition, there are [-] independent private rooms erected above the venue. Through the windows outside the private rooms, you can see the entire venue.

"Friend, this way please."

Seeing that Su Yi's attention was focused on the venue, Shen Liangpeng reminded him.

"Let's go."

Su Yi nodded and followed behind Shen Liangpeng.

Afterwards, the two walked along a long corridor to the end, and a room appeared in front of them.

There was a sign hanging on one side of the room, with the words 'Manager's Office' written on it.

"Wait a mininute."

Shen Liangpeng greeted, knocked on the door and walked into the room.

Soon he came out again, smiled and said to Su Yi: "My friend, our manager is here to invite you."

"It's troublesome."

Su Yi gave a polite voice and strode into the room.

There was only one person in the room, a middle-aged man in casual clothes who seemed very capable.

The two sides looked at each other, and the middle-aged man spoke first, "My name is He Cheng, and I'm the manager of this auction house. I heard that you want to send a Shouyuan Pill?"

(End of this chapter)

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