Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 984 Heading to the Auction Site

Chapter 984 Heading to the Auction Site
"It's better to be cautious."

Jiang Piaoxue exhorted worriedly, and then said: "By the way, we will move to Yaoguang City in the next few days."

"What's wrong with Venus City?" Su Yi frowned.

Jiang Piaoxue explained: "Those forces in Xuantian Continent are persecuting us more and more seriously, and we have lost control of Venus City. If we don't leave, we can only fight each other."

Su Yi nodded, "It's also good to go to Yaoguang City."

Yaoguang City is guarded by Gu Haotian, and the forces in Xuantian Continent dare not do anything wrong.

And the relationship between Gu Haotian and Jiang Hongyi is good, it is a good choice for the Jiang family to stay in Yaoguang City for the time being.

It won't be too late to take over the Jiang family after the establishment of the rear base in the forbidden area of ​​death.

"Senior Sister Jiang, the forces that arrested me must have known about our relationship, be careful that they will harm you." Su Yi reminded.

The other party has been unable to catch him, will he jump over the wall in a hurry to attack the Jiang family?This is also uncertain.

"Don't worry, the ancestor has already made arrangements, and nothing will happen." Jiang Piaoxue said.

Su Yi suddenly thought of something, and said, "Senior Sister Jiang, I heard that Blue Star is going to build a rear base, have you heard of it?"

"That's what happened." Jiang Piaoxue replied.

Su Yi was puzzled and said: "Then why do the forces in Xuantian Continent want to seize the city?"

Once the rear base is built, everyone will enter the rear base.If you seize the city, you still have to give it up, isn't it equal to useless work?
Jiang Piaoxue explained: "The establishment of the rear base is still in the theoretical stage and has not been put into action. Even if it is completed, it will take a long time. By then, fierce beasts and aliens will invade on a large scale. Xuantian Continent Naturally, the forces want to find a place to settle down."


Su Yi nodded, "Senior Sister Jiang, I may go to Yaoguang City in a few days, and I will contact you then."


Jiang Piaoxue was both excited and worried.

Speaking of which, she and Su Yi haven't seen each other for a long time, and she really misses her very much.

But he was afraid that Su Yi's whereabouts would be exposed and he would be in danger.

Su Yi said: "It's not very sure, it depends on the situation."

Biluozong and other forces are arresting him, and he can only go to Yaoguang City when his safety is ensured.

Otherwise, he would not take the risk.

"Whether you come or not, you have to be careful." Jiang Piaoxue reminded.

Later, the two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

Su Yi returned to watch the warrior forum.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, there are some strange men around the hotel, they seem to be here for you."


Su Yi didn't take it to heart.

He didn't reveal his identity when he came to Xiaoyang City, so the people who watched him were probably sent by Cheng.

It's nothing more than worrying about him releasing pigeons.

Sure enough, as he guessed, those strange men were just monitoring the small hotel and did nothing else.

Su Yi didn't bother to answer.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Yi finished his breakfast, stayed in his room until 07:30, and went out to the auction venue.

The auction starts at eight o'clock, and the purpose of going there early is to avoid attracting attention. In addition, the Shouyuan Pill must be handed over to the other party.

When Su Yi walked out of the small hotel and walked towards the auction venue, a strange man in charge of monitoring quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"I see, there is no need to follow me." A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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