Chapter 78 Dai Mubai

In the dark night, only the ray of moonlight shines on the three people sitting in front of the blacksmith shop eating. After all, Dongfang Chen just got a hundred gold soul coins from the system, and became the brother of Tang San and Xiao Wu. , Treating guests to dinner is also appropriate.

"Brother Chen, Xiao Wu, I made this thing for you, you can use it for self-defense." Tang San said and took out two sets of sleeve arrows, but his expression was indeed very serious.

"This is the Hidden Arrow, also called the Silent Hidden Arrow. There are three tiny silver needles inside this thing, which can be shot alone or three together. This thing is very lethal. I can use it to protect myself when I am not around you."

Xiao Wu picked up the sleeve arrow and put it on her wrist, it was neither too big nor too small, it was very suitable.Xiao Wu tried, aiming at the big tree beside her.

"Hoo!!!" A burst of tiny silver light directly pierced the generous tree, and the tree was directly pierced.

Except for Tang San and Dongfang Chen, Xiao Wu was very surprised, if the third brother used this to compete with her, she didn't know how many times she would die.

Tang San smiled, "I call this thing a hidden weapon. Of course, these things are also my secrets, even my father doesn't know about them, so please keep them secret."

Xiao Wu didn't want to ask more questions and just nodded, and Dongfang Chen did the same, but Dongfang Chen didn't accept the sleeve arrow, but just handed it to Xiao Wu.

"Just give this to Xiao Wu, you don't need to prepare anything for me, all I need is you."

Tang San also understood what Dongfang Chen meant, so he also nodded.

Five years later……

The Kingdom of Barak, the city of Soto.

It was just after noon, and the temperature was very hot. At the west gate of Soto City, three young people walked in, two men and one woman.Passers-by on the street didn't look carefully, thinking that these two boys were bodyguards!

One of the boys, dressed in a light blue dress, looks about twelve or three years old, about 1.7 meters tall, with a belt of 24 jade stones pinned to his waist, black half-long hair that barely hangs down to his shoulders, and looks very handsome. He is too handsome, always with a faint smile on his mouth.

The other boy also has long black hair, but the long hair almost reaches his waist and is very elegant, but it does not affect his own temperament. He looks good, is about 1.7 meters tall, and is wearing a white ancient costume. Of course, everyone is looking at him , after all, this kind of clothes has never been seen here, with a flute in hand, clean and pure.The other boy is completely inferior to this boy.

And the only girl among the three had long black hair, dressed in a scorpion braid, and even the braid grew to the calf.Dressed in pink, the only thing that stands out is the slender waist.The big watery eyes, although a bit childish in appearance, fit the word cute very well.As if tailor-made.

The girl raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her head, "I have finally arrived in Soto City, and I don't know what the master thinks, but I insist on coming to this undivided academy."

"The master asked me to come with Brother Chen, who knows that you will also come. Fortunately, the Kingdom of Balak borders the province of Fasno, otherwise it will take longer."

The girl had no choice but to say, "Really, I wouldn't have come if you two weren't my elder brothers! Anyway, the exam is two days away, and I want you to replenish my young heart."

Dongfang Chen chuckled, "Tangtang has been the eldest sister of Notting City College for six consecutive years, and he actually talks about his young heart, how do you make your younger brothers feel!"

These three people are Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dongfang Chen. Five years have passed, and the three of them have also graduated from Notting City College. Their grades are exceptionally good. Many intermediate soul master academies have sent invitation letters, But they were all rejected by the master, and Dongfang Chen knew why, because the Shrek Academy in Soto City was full of monsters.In addition, the master and Fred have some incredible relationship.

"I don't care, whether you agree or not." Xiao Wu pouted and looked at Dongfang Chen and the two of them and said.

Tang San shook his head helplessly, "It's up to you, but after walking for so long, we must find a place to live!"

"It's almost there."

After saying that, the three of them found a place to eat something. Suotuo City is bigger than Notting City, and there are more natural people, so it is much more lively.There are people coming and going on the street, and many soldiers are patrolling.

After the three simply ate something, they wanted to find a place to stay. They walked to the door of a hotel. The floor was three stories high. Although it was not big, its appearance was bright red like roses.

"Rose Hotel, Brother Chen, Xiao Wu, let's stay here!" Tang San looked at the two of them and said.

Dongfang Chen and Xiao Wu then nodded, Xiao Wu was very satisfied with this place, after all, she was a girl, but Dongfang Chen knew that there was only one room here, and an important guy was coming soon.

The three walked in and walked to the front of the store.

"Hi, open us three rooms."

The waiter said to Tang San with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry sir, we only have one room left here."

(to be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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