Chapter 204

Do you really have to wait until the day it withers?

Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing's pensive look, and quickly turned Fan Xing's head, "Since you don't want people anymore, what do you want those flowers for? Just let them perish on their own, then they will die." Just give up completely!" Duan Chengfeng didn't know the meaning of Qin Yilian's gift of flowers until later, so he doesn't like these flowers now!

Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng helplessly, "I promised him to take good care of him. Anyway, looking at him like that, I'm a little overjoyed. I like this flower too, and it's good to keep it. It will add a little vitality to the house!" Watching Duan Chengfeng get jealous, Fan Xing could feel that Duan Chengfeng was just like a normal man in love, not as unpredictable as before, Duan Chengfeng like this made her feel very safe!
"If you want to grow flowers, you can grow other things, why do you have to grow lavender?" Isn't that reminding you that someone is always waiting for you?No, no, he absolutely cannot allow something to remind Fan Xing all the time!

"I like lavender very much. You don't know. The flower language of lavender is 'waiting for love', which means..." Before Fan Xing finished speaking, Duan Chengfeng lowered his head and blocked Fan Xing's mouth, watching the old man beside him They all looked sideways, happy for the happiness of this young couple.

But someone is not happy, "Duan Chengfeng, you kissed me again!"

"..." Kissing you, isn't it forbidding you to say those words?

"I haven't fully forgiven you yet, you are not allowed to kiss me casually in the future!" So where does she have prestige?

"But..." He missed her kiss very much!
"And let me tell you, accompany me to Qiqi's house right away. It's you who caused me to not take good care of them these days!" Qiqi should be very sad that she didn't win the award, right?She's going to have a look, or don't worry!
"Okay..." This can be agreed.

"In the future, don't kiss me without my permission, you know?"

"..." He didn't speak, and resisted without words.

"Did you hear that?"

"..." Continued silence.

"If you don't promise, I will never forgive you again in this life!" Don't think that your silence means it's okay!
"Okay, I promise you!"

"That's about the same, accompany me to Qiqi's house!"

So, the two left amidst the meaningfulness of the three old men.

And Lin Xiuyin, who watched Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng leave, felt relieved seeing her daughter so happy, turned her head and said to Fan Shicheng, "Shicheng, the students should miss us, let's go back tomorrow! I took a week off and I still miss them!"

Her daughter has grown up and has her own ideas, so she shouldn't be so worried.

"Well, I'm going to write a thesis soon. It's time to go back and prepare the materials, otherwise I will be too busy and leave tomorrow!" Fan Shicheng actually wanted to leave a long time ago, if Lin Xiuyin hadn't been worried, he It won't be here all the time.

"Okay, when Xing Xing comes back, we will say goodbye to her!" Once they decide to leave, there will be no further delay. Now that their daughter is well taken care of, it is time for them to go back and fulfill their responsibilities.

"Master Duan, what about you? Are you leaving or staying?" Lin Xiuyin's attitude towards Duan Ziyun has finally returned to a friendly one. If they want to leave, then the peacemaker has also fulfilled his duties and should leave?
"The company in the UK urged me to go back a long time ago. I don't care if you are all gone, but I have no one to play chess with me. I feel so lonely!" Now it seems that Fan Xing's parents have forgiven his son, Then it's time for him to retire.

"Dear family, come to China again when you have time, and I will definitely accompany you!" He should be very lonely by himself, right?

"Okay, then I'll arrange things over there, and I'll come here, Lao Luo, why are you working so hard, leave it all to Sheng, and it's time for me to enjoy my life!" Father and son who had been missing for more than 30 years Family, he should make up for it, otherwise he is really ashamed!
"At that time, Xing Xing will definitely be too busy with two children, we can all help! It would be great to bring my grandson by the way!" Lin Xiuyin also began to look forward to a better life.

"Yeah, after waiting for so many years, it's finally here. Fortunately, I'm smart, and that kid is quite enlightened, otherwise I will be pissed off by him!" Duan Ziyun slipped his mouth while talking, realizing Something is wrong, shut up quickly.

"In-law, what did you say?" Lin Xiuyin realized that Duan Ziyun's words were not right, and hurriedly asked.

"Hey, it's nothing." That thing was definitely not done by him, how much it affected his image!
"But how did I hear..."

"No, no, you must have heard wrong."

The two families are reconciled and happy, so can the happiness of the two young people be far behind?
The two came to Zhang Shuqi's residence. Just as Fan Xing got out of the elevator, he saw Yan Qin worried at the door, "Qinqin?"

As soon as Yan Qin heard Fan Xing's voice, she turned her head, glanced at Duan Chengfeng, ignored it, and then said to Fan Xing, "Xing Xing, you also came to see Qiqi, right? I knocked on the door for a long time, but she's not here! "

"Not here? How come? It's Saturday, Kiki should be at home at this time?" Looking at the closed door, Fan Xing's eyes were filled with indescribable worry.

"I originally wanted to see Qiqi in person, but when I came, I found out that she was not there. Later, I called and found out that Qiqi had gone home. Maybe she didn't want us to see her sad, so I chose a Let others lick their own wounds?" Zhang Shuqi is like this, she can share the wounds of others, but once it is her turn, she would rather be alone and not let others worry!
"But..." She went home so suddenly, they would be worried!

Yan Qin looked at Fan Xing worried, and patted Fan Xing on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Qiqi has always been strong, it's fine if she goes back, in a different environment, we both won awards, if we comfort her together, maybe she will feel better in her heart." Will it be even more uncomfortable? Maybe she also understands, so she will go home before we arrive. This is also good, Kiki's parents should miss her too, Kiki will be fine with her parents here! "

"But aren't we friends? Kiki comforts us when we're sad, but when she's sad, we can't do anything!" Fan Xing suddenly felt powerless.

"Fool, everyone heals in a different way. Although Qiqi looks optimistic and cheerful, she is very delicate and sensitive, so she doesn't want us to see her vulnerable side. This is also human nature!" Yan Qin knows that Fan Xing is guilty, but everyone has their own affairs to be busy, and Fan Xing has been too busy recently, it's not her fault!

(End of this chapter)

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