Chapter 216

"No!" Seeing Lan Shu rushing towards Duan Chengfeng, Fan Xing could feel his heart stop beating for an instant, looking at the bomb in Lan Shu's hand, Fan Xing didn't care about anything else, he just wanted to rush over to be with Duan Chengfeng !
However, Fan Xing had a big belly after all, even if he ran, he couldn't run very far. Instead, Huangfu Jueao reacted quickly, ran to hug Lan Shu and rolled for a long, long way.

"No!" Following Lan Shu's desperate cry of pain, there was a sound in the distance, and when Huangfu Jueao's subordinates arrived, Lan Shu's face was completely changed, her eyes were tightly open, because she was not with her lover forever. Let's die together!As for Huangfu Jueao, who was pushed away by her with all her strength, blood was flowing from his head, his eyes were fixed on Lan Shu, and finally passed out due to too much blood loss!

Looking at this exciting scene, Fan Xing couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. These days, Lan Shu has been saying strange things and doing things in a daze. His eyes often wander to nowhere. Fan Xing has always felt that Lan Shu Something was wrong, but she never thought that Lan Shu would choose to die with Duan Chengfeng so resolutely!

If it wasn't for Huangfu Jueao, then would she and Duan Chengfeng be separated from each other?

Thinking of this, Fan Xing looked at Duan Chengfeng who was lying on the ground and was getting ready to get up, and trotted over worriedly, but after only a few steps, his stomach started to hurt, and he felt the water from the amniotic fluid rupture in his lower body, Fan Xing covered his stomach, Looking at Duan Chengfeng, "Duan Chengfeng, I'm going to give birth! Ah!"

one year later.

"Xiaofan, our two sons are almost one year old now, shall we hurry up and remarry?" Duan Chengfeng looked at Fan Xing who was playing with the children, and continued to persuade, "The children don't have a name yet, so you can call them that. Are they very good, little boy? Didn't I tell you everything clearly, can't you forgive me? "

Fan Xing gave Duan Chengfeng a cold look, "Qinqin and the others invited me out for dinner today, and the child will be handed over to you!" After speaking, he changed his clothes, looked at Duan Chengfeng and left, leaving Duan Chengfeng alone Endure the torment of two little devils again!
Fan Xing came to the restaurant wearing simple sportswear. After giving birth for a year, Fan Xing is now a little plumper than before. She just went out, but she didn't look casual, instead she had a kind of free and easy beauty. The light and agile temperament didn't change in any way because of the birth of the child, but there was more cunning and happiness in her eyes. It seemed that she was a happy little girl. Women are well nourished by love.

"Tsk tsk, I said Xing Xing, look at those wolf-like eyes around you, I am worried about your family Duan Chengfeng, how is it, he still asks you to remarry him every day?" Zhang Shuqi was frustrated in her career a year ago , proud of love, originally went home to relax, but accidentally met a man who made her heart flutter, the two got married four months ago, on the anniversary of their one-year acquaintance, Zhang Shuqi was pregnant with a child shortly afterwards, and the child is now three At the age of one month, Zhang Shuqi has already put on the maternity clothes obediently, and she looks extremely happy.

"Hasn't he been like this every day for more than half a year? Every day I say this, my ears are getting calluses, hey, you are still good, your husband is gentle and considerate, and you will know him when you look fat now. I'll make up for you at home again." Fan Xing saw how happy Zhang Shuqi was, so she was naturally very happy for her friend, but Yan Qin...

"Qinqin, you see that Qiqi has children, you can't always be a godmother, can you? Naturally kiss your own children, and it's not a good idea for you to keep robbing our children!" Looking at Yan Qin, she was still the same. Single as before, Fan Xing and Zhang Shuqi are very anxious.

"Could it be that your children are not filial to me as a godmother? I am a very competent godmother. Do I have any money for the New Year's gift?" Yan Qin glanced at the two friends speechlessly, "Before watching the stars give birth, I was scared I can hardly stand up, I don’t want to live by myself, it hurts to death.”

"Ahem, no, it won't hurt that much, right?" I've always heard that it will hurt. Zhang Shuqi, who is so afraid of pain, is naturally afraid of death. Now that Yan Qin said that, she felt even more terrifying.

"It hurts, of course it hurts! At that time, the cry of the stars, oops, you don't know, I was so scared that I didn't dare to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet for a month!" Yan Qin looked at Zhang Shuqi so worried, thinking that Zhang Shuqi has been letting her husband I was angry when I introduced someone to her, so I deliberately threatened Zhang Shuqi with words.

"Then I don't want to give birth!" This child, Zhang Shuqi, never thought that she would be pregnant so early, so she was always very nervous. Now that Yan Qin was scaring her so much, she naturally became timid.

Fan Xing glanced at Yan Qin, and hurriedly comforted Zhang Shuqi, "Qiqi, don't listen to Qinqin's nonsense, she scares you, it doesn't hurt, just bear with it." Fan Xing was talking nonsense with his eyes open. She remembers the scene years ago clearly. At that time, the amniotic fluid broke outside. Duan Chengfeng ran through countless red lights before sending her to the hospital. After going to the hospital, she suffered pain for almost a day and a night before giving birth to her two children. , At that time, she was exhausted and fell asleep when she was born. She still doesn't want to go through it again when she thinks about it!
"Really? Xing Xing, you didn't lie to me?" Zhang Shuqi looked at Fan Xing expectantly, hoping that Fan Xing could reassure her. Fan Xing nodded against her will. Zhang Shuqi finally stopped entangled in this matter. Seven months later, when she was dying of pain in the delivery room, she wished she could get up and kill Fan Xing immediately, and more importantly, she wanted to kill her husband!

Yan Qin saw that the two of them had a tendency to drag the topic away, so she hurriedly stopped her, "Okay, Xing Xing, what are you going to do with Duan Chengfeng? It's not an option for you to waste time like this. Didn't he confess to you half a year ago and be lenient?" ? Why didn't you forgive him?"

When Duan Chengfeng came back from the operation half a year ago, Fan Xing felt that something was wrong. Later, he accidentally saw the wound on Duan Chengfeng's chest and asked closely to find out about Duan Chengfeng's operation. She was the one who treated Duan Chengfeng like that before!

Fan Xing pursed his lips, "Who told him to lie to me for so long and not tell me such a big secret, if I hadn't accidentally seen him changing clothes that day, wouldn't I have been kept secret by him?" Thinking of himself too He lost his temper a lot, had a cold war with Duan Chengfeng for many days before Duan Chengfeng told her everything, Fan Xing was angry, angry that Duan Chengfeng kept hiding it from her, even you didn't tell her about such a major operation!
If something happened to Duan Chengfeng, what should she do?

"He didn't want to make you worry, so he didn't tell you. Didn't you worry about it afterwards? Even though he ignored him, you still kept making up for him? You see that he is fine and you are so panicked. If he is really fine , then don’t you feel restless every day?” Knowing everything, Yan Qin has greatly changed her view of Duan Chengfeng now, she doesn’t reject Duan Chengfeng so much, and now she also hopes that Fan Xing and Duan Chengfeng can be together well.

(End of this chapter)

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