The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 110 Figure Skating Events Are All Sponsored by Joe

Chapter 110 Figure Skating Events Are All Sponsored by Joe

"Let me tell you, Meng Yao, everyone who goes to the arena is a competitor, and the competitor who wins the first place is the king of the arena! Can you compare a silver medal with a gold medal?"

"From what Coach Zhu said, I didn't get the gold medal, so I'm not qualified to make any demands on the ministry. Even if Yan Xiaoyan plotted against me, it's my own business, right?"

Hearing this, Head Coach Zhu hesitated for two seconds, and said in a deep voice, "You signed up for the 'Feiyue Cup' at the beginning. This is a private matter between the two of you, and has nothing to do with the department."

These remarks seemed to have thrown cold water on the head. Just now, I hoped that the Ministry would deal with Yan Xiaoyan's problem, but now it is obviously impossible!
Meng Yao was so angry that she took back her mobile phone and turned away. Angrily, she opened the door of the office, and pulled it hard with a "touch".

Seeing Meng Yao's deformed walk when he came in, Head Coach Zhu frowned slightly, thought for a moment, reached out to pick up the handset of the landline, and dialed the phone number of the department leader.

Passing by the side of the ice rink, several team members who had made friends with Meng Yao greeted her. Meng Yao adjusted her mood, greeted them with a smile, and then searched for Coach Lu on the ice rink, but she couldn't find it after scanning several times.

Hey, isn't Coach Lu here?

Seeing her looking around all the time, one of the team members slid over and asked her with a smile, "Meng Yao, are you looking for Coach Lu?"

"Yes. Did you see him?" Meng Yao asked her with a smile.

The team member looked around, grabbed the five fingers of his right hand at her, and whispered to her, "Come here, I'll tell you."

Seeing her cautious and mysterious expression, Meng Yao walked towards the fence.

Seeing that her walking posture was not right, the team member looked down at her left foot while reaching out to pull her arm, and asked concerned, "What's wrong with your left foot?"

Meng Yao said nonchalantly, "I accidentally got hit by something." After speaking, he asked her, "Isn't Coach Lu here?"

The team member immediately whispered, "Coach Lu probably left."

Meng Yao's eyes widened in shock when she heard that, and she didn't hear anything from Coach Lu yesterday, so she hurriedly asked, "Who did you listen to?"'

Coach Lu has been here for several years, and it is impossible to leave immediately.

The team member whispered in her ear, "Ten days ago, I had something to ask for leave from head coach Zhu, and I heard head coach Zhu talking to coach Lu outside the door..."

"Then Meng Yao and Yan Xiaoyan are just asking about it?" said Head Coach Zhu, who was holding a phone.

"What are you asking? Joe is the biggest sponsor of all figure skating events, and the sponsor of the 'Leaping Cup' is Joe. It can be seen that Joe attaches great importance to figure skating. Incidents such as figure skater's repertoire being manipulated have been passed on to Joe. , you can't figure out the stakes in it? The Skating Federation doesn't dare to offend Qiao, so if something happens, you must ask here."

Head coach Zhu remembered that Meng Yao decided to focus on training her because she won the championship in the "Leaping Cup", but he didn't expect that Meng Yao was an athlete who was not restricted by the arrangement. Down.

After listening to what the team members said, Meng Yao stared in shock with clear eyes.

It turned out that she was able to participate in the National Winter Games not at the wish of head coach Zhu, but at the request of coach Lu.

Because she failed to win the gold medal, Coach Lu resigned.

Yan Xiaoyan, who had been looking at Meng Yao's distracted practice, thought that Meng Yao was laughing at her behind her back again, and finally slid over unbearably.

"Hey, Meng Yao, do you want to be such a badass—"

"Get out of the way!" Meng Yao pushed away Yan Xiaoyan who came to her, gouged her coldly, and ran away without caring about the pain in her left foot.

She wants to get Coach Lu back first, and Yan Xiaoyan's matter will be dealt with later!
Shocked by Meng Yao's eyes, Yan Xiaoyan, who was pushed back staggeringly, stood still and watched her leave.

What's wrong with Meng Yao?
(End of this chapter)

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