The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 112 A Small Probability Things Will Not Happen Here

Chapter 112 A Small Probability Things Will Not Happen Here

Lao Yang shook his head again, "How could Qiao's be the boss's company? There is a small probability that things will not happen here. The boss himself looks like a young nobleman from a famous family, but his living standard is not up to it."

"How do you say it?" She felt that Mr. Qiao's aristocratic fan was really tough, much like the young master of a wealthy family.

"Look, the boss drives cars all over the street, but the license plate number is very good and auspicious. Anyone who does business doesn't want to be auspicious. If you have money, you must buy a good license plate number."

"The place where the boss lives is only a high-end community. Some colleagues have seen Mr. Qiao drive out of the high-end community a few times before. It's not like those rich second generations who live in a luxury community, dye their hair, wear earrings, and show off their wealth. I Let me tell you, most of the young masters and young ladies of rich families have a lot of problems, and they are used to it."

"Our boss doesn't have any of them. He is young but low-key and calm. It seems that he can achieve great things. Besides, the full name of the boss's company does not seem to have the word Qiao."

Once he saw the company name on the information bag brought by the boss, but it really didn't seem to be there.

Hearing what Lao Yang said, Meng Yao really seemed to be doing the same thing.

She didn't know much about cars, but Mr. Qiao's car was the same as those commonly seen on the road, except that the body was slightly longer.Last time Ji Shunfeng broke Mr. Qiao's car tire and had to lose money. Of course he has no money without the rich daughter, so he called her for help.

The place where Mr. Qiao lives is not luxurious, but it is as tasteful as he himself.

In terms of other aspects, such as eating, the few meals I ate with him were not in high-end restaurants, and he was quite casual when eating at her house, but he was more picky.The last time I invited him to a roadside stall for noodles, he ate it all, which shows that he is quite down-to-earth.

But the most important thing is that Qiao's company has been ruled out as Mr. Qiao's family company, so she can rest assured.

"Then Uncle Yang, I'm leaving first, and I'll come back another day." Meng Yao said and got up.

Lao Yang got up as well, completely forgetting to ask her what the sponsors were doing, seeing her limping, he muttered to her, "If your feet are inconvenient, don't run around, it's really uncomfortable."

"It's not been a long time since I saw you, so I came here specially to see you." Meng Yao said as she walked out slowly.

When Lao Yang heard this, he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "It's almost Chinese New Year, come to Uncle Yang's house for a New Year's Eve dinner."

"Okay!" Meng Yao responded casually with a smile, feeling sour when she thought of her mother who was not getting better in the hospital.

This year is the first New Year's Eve dinner without my father.

Trader Joe's Building, which is dozens of floors high, is located on a golden road extending in all directions in the very center of Beishi.

In the lobby on the first floor of the building, the staff wearing work badges are all busy.

Meng Yao came in through the automatic door. Everyone was busy and no one noticed her. This made her, who was nervous about entering and leaving the company for the first time, heave a sigh of relief, and walked slowly towards the front desk with a limp.

A black extended version of the high-end business car stopped in front of the Joe's Building at this time. Qin Fei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got out of the car first. With a briefcase in his left hand, he stretched out his right hand and opened the right door of the rear seat. Qiao Yiyuan, who was wearing a dark blue hand-tailored suit and a black coat, bent over.

With the sound of the car door closing behind him, Qiao Yiyuan buttoned his suit jacket with one hand, walked up the stairs with his long legs and walked towards the automatic door, followed by Qin Fei.

As soon as he entered, Qiao Yiyuan, who was looking around, immediately noticed the familiar figure at the front desk. There seemed to be some unpleasantness happening there, and there was a hint of doubt in his faint eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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