The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 134 Dealing in an Unexpected Way

Chapter 134 Dealing in an Unexpected Way

At this time, Qu Xi, who was already receiving patients in the hospital office, sneezed unexpectedly, which shocked the patients sitting beside him.

Damn, who would think about him so much early in the morning, Lord, he was exhausted last night and had no energy.

"How many times have you talked?" Qiao Yiyuan asked her casually, and turned to look at her.

"I..." Meng Yao was suddenly taken away by him, biting the tip of her chopsticks and looking at him, she shrugged her shoulders and replied sincerely, "No."

When she opened her mouth, Qiao Yiyuan had already withdrawn her eyes, lowered her head and continued to watch the news, and upon hearing her words, a fact that intuitively flashed through her mind——

In the accident last night, it was his first kiss, and she was also their first kiss.


This fact made Qiao Yiyuan feel bad, the only good thing is that Meng Yao didn't know about it.

Sensitively, Meng Yao felt the sudden change in air pressure, and slowly closed her opened mouth, her clear eyes were full of doubts.

Qiao Yiyuan got up suddenly, threw a word to her and went into the study.

"Eat fast, I have work to do."

Watching his upright back into the study, Meng Yao instinctively felt that he was unhappy.

Could it be because she said just now that he had never been in a relationship?
Meng Yao was thinking while eating seafood porridge.

... Although Brother Qu is very familiar with Mr. Qiao, no matter how familiar he is, it is impossible for him to be a roundworm in Mr. Qiao's stomach. Therefore, even if Mr. Qiao has been in love, Brother Qu cannot know.

Even if you haven't talked about it, having someone you like in your heart is considered a one-way relationship.

Qiao Yiyuan sent Meng Yao home, and when he was outside the community, he returned the medicine he took from Meng's house last night to her.

"Go back and change your medicine."

Meng Yao stretched out her hand to take it in surprise, and said oh, "Then I'll go in, Mr. Qiao, go slowly."

Qiao Yiyuan hummed, and watched her turn the car to leave after entering the gate of the community, but her mind wandered slightly.

Red light, stop.

Qiao Yiyuan leaned lazily on the car door with his left elbow, raised his five fingers on his left hand to support his forehead, and looked at the timer with a more lazy and far-sighted gaze. With his right hand holding the steering wheel, he gently rubbed the belly of his thumb back and forth.

Events that happen unexpectedly should be handled unexpectedly.

Green light, traffic moving forward.

After entering the door, Meng Yao closed the door and hung the key on the wall hook. When changing her cotton slippers, she leaned her crutches against the wall, passed the living room, put her backpack on the sofa, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The phone on the bed rang, and Meng Yao, who was bathing in the bathtub, heard it, and she still took a bath in a leisurely manner.

Half an hour after I came out of the bathroom, I checked my phone for a call, and ignored it when I saw it was an unfamiliar number.

After applying the medicine in the living room, I swiped Weibo with my mobile phone, and found that the Weibo I posted yesterday was attacked by an unprecedented large number of comments.

Turning to the official blog of the Stellar Club, it was announced at [-] o'clock in the morning that she had quit the club, and the comments were full of voices that supported the club and scolded her for being ungrateful.

Seeing these scolding voices, Meng Yao denied it in her heart. She did not admit that the club had cultivated her for many years.

Maybe she stayed at the Stellar Club because of the relationship between her parents. She has been coached by coaches over the years, but the time is not too much.

Before going to university, she focused entirely on her studies. Skating was only a dispensable interest, but it was also the interest she devoted most of her time to.

From the age of four, as long as her father is free and she is willing, her father will take her to skate. When it comes to music, her father always praises her for doing better than many professional players.

After thinking for a long time, Meng Yao heaved a sigh of relief, put away her memories of the past, and quit Weibo.

Reaching out for the book on the coffee table, ready to read it before going out to buy groceries, the phone rang again, and it was still the same unknown number.

After watching it for about ten seconds, I hesitated to pick it up, but finally I did.

(End of this chapter)

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