The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 154 Short chapter · You don't care?

Chapter 154 Short Program·You Don't Care?

Qiao Yiyuan turned to look at him, but said nothing.

Being stared at by him all the time, Qu Xi's narcissism was forced to gradually put away, "Why are you looking at me like that, it's scary."

"See if you still have medicine to save you. As a doctor, you can't even save yourself, but that's the saddest thing." Qiao Yiyuan walked away after finishing speaking.

Qu Xi hurriedly followed, "Hey, some people are chasing Yaoyao, and you don't care? Her attention should be on training and competition, and she shouldn't be distracted by it."

Qiao Yiyuan, who had already walked to the car door, could not bear it with his handsome face, "You are really long-winded."

"Talk to those who care, who is willing to waste words if you don't care?"

"..." Qiao Yiyuan was speechless for a while, because there was nothing wrong with what he said, but... "Don't say it in front of me if you have obvious purpose or hint, OK, Brother Xi." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and opened the car door.


Qu Xi stretched out his hand and pushed back the car door.

Qiao Yiyuan asked him, "What are you doing?"

One of them pulled the door handle, the other pressed on the door, and their eyes met.

"A Yuan, you know I don't want to be a doctor." Qu Xi looked at him seriously and said.

Qiao Yiyuan heard that the hand that was on the door handle of the car was retracted and copied in his trouser pocket. He turned away from his handsome face and looked elsewhere, just in time to see a staff member of a flower shop riding a tram to the side of the gate of the training center, hugging the bunch in his car basket. The red rose came out and went in while arranging the flowers.

Looking back at Qu Xi with indifferent eyes, he said indifferently, "I don't know what you want to be."

"Meng Yao is pretty good." Qu Xi changed the subject and said with a smile, seeing his face change slightly, he hurriedly added, "I mean her skating."

Qiao Yiyuan's expression pondered for a few seconds because of his last words, "It's not bad. You think too highly of her." After that, he opened the car door and got in.

Qu Xi quickly trotted around the front of the car and opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in. While fastening his seat belt, he said, "Because there is only one harsh Qiao Yiyuan in the whole world, and I have to be Qiao Yiyuan's foil, so I can't be harsh."

Qiao Yiyuan, who had already inserted the car key, turned his head to look at him, and looked back to the front of the car to start the car without saying anything.

"Spoken things to your various girlfriends."

"Don't be like this, look at you four brothers, I like you the most, and the three soldiers who bring their lust to the practice ground are the most annoying..."

As soon as she returned to the backstage after the interview, Meng Yao received a bouquet of perfumed red roses from the flower shop staff brought in by the staff. The fragrance is really incomparable.

"Miss Meng, please sign it." The florist smiled and handed the book to her.

Meng Yao took the pen to sign, thanked the flower shop staff when returning the pen, and then the flower shop staff left.

Meng Yao walked to the chair in the aisle and sat down. She reached out to look for the card among the flowers, but she couldn't find it.

"Strange, who sent these flowers?"

Brother Qu?Or Mr. Joe?
"The flowers are so beautiful!" Chen Ying came back from the bathroom and saw the flowers in Meng Yao's arms, "A gift from your boyfriend?"

Meng Yao was astonished as if she had been pricked by a needle and threw the flowers on the chair, "No way! Sister Ying, don't talk nonsense, I don't have a boyfriend."

"Is that the suitor?" Seeing her nervous and cute look, Chen Ying continued to tease her.

"No! I don't know who gave it to me." Meng Yao looked down at the flowers, then raised her head to look back at her, reached out to pick up the flowers and stuffed them into her arms, "You like to give it to you, I don't like roses. I'm going to watch the competition. "

Seeing that she really left, Chen Ying couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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