The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 168 I Heard that Trader Joe's Asked You to Spoke Advertisements

Chapter 168 I Heard that Trader Joe's Asked You to Spoke Advertisements
Qiao Yiyuan took Meng Yao to a very high-end restaurant, which is most famous for its various soups.

When ordering, Qiao Yiyuan asked Meng Yao to order, and he ordered soup.

After ordering, he returned the menu to the waiter, looked up at Meng Yao who was opposite, and saw that she was showing him the top of her head, so she didn't make a sound.

There was no sound for a long time, Meng Yao felt strange, raised her head, and unexpectedly saw the faint gaze he had been staring at her, her heart sank with a thud, she wanted to lower her head again but dared not.

What is Mr. Joe doing?

Qiao Yiyuan looked at her leisurely with his left hand resting on his left cheek, his right hand resting on the armrest of the chair, and his index finger rhythmically tapped the armrest, seeing that she finally looked up.

"It's still a rabbit in the morning, but in the afternoon it becomes a mouse that sees a cat. I can still eat you."

Being ridiculed by him, Meng Yao let go of her psychological burden at once, curled her lips slightly, and watched him open his eyes and talk nonsense.

"Mr. Qiao, I feel that I am out of place here, and I am afraid of embarrassing you, so I just lower my head so that I won't lose face."

He saw through her words but didn't tell her, and asked her, "Do you still remember the allusion of 'Deceive Your Ears and Steal Your Bells'?"

She pretended not to understand and said nothing.

"The host already knew the situation when the bell-stealer did it. Covering your ears is just deceiving yourself. You are ashamed when you step into the door of the restaurant. If you lower your head, you are deceiving yourself like a bell-stealer. It is better not to enter. You say is not it?"

Meng Yao's mind is also good, and she immediately understood the meaning of what he said.

"So, as soon as I speak, you know that I don't mean it."

"You said it." He spread his hands out innocently, his faint eyes reflected her little expression of instant annoyance, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

She gritted her back teeth secretly, and asked him with a fake smile, "Mr. Qiao, surely many people say you are eloquent?"

"That's someone else's point of view." He said it lightly.

Her cheeks bulged, and she became one of the 'others' he called.

Can really play around!Forget it, can't we just stop talking?

The waiter just brought the dishes to the table one by one.

In addition to the three dishes, there were also two cups of soup, and Qiao Yiyuan signaled that they would be specially placed in front of Meng Yao.

Meng Yao glanced at the two cups of soup, then pushed the cups to Qiao Yiyuan's side——

"I don't like the soup here."

Hearing what he said, she complained, "Then you still order two cups, isn't it a waste of money?"

"It won't be a waste if you put it in your stomach." He said while picking up the chopsticks.

Meng Yao opened the lid of the cup with her hands, and glanced at him who was already eating, she was dumbfounded when she opened it.

Black chicken soup?
Open another cup.

There are cloud ears, red dates, and...

Meng Yao scooped it up with a spoon.


Ren Du's second pulse was opened in an instant, this is blood-enriching soup!
Meng Yao's face instantly became hot, and even the roots of her ears felt a little hot.

Seeing that she just couldn't look at her, he said lightly, "These two soups are the recruitment soups of this restaurant."

That is to say, Mr. Qiao didn't order it on purpose?
Meng Yao thought it was very possible, and quickly said, "It must be delicious." After speaking, she tasted it with a spoon, her eyes lit up, "It tastes good!"

Just hot mouth.

He looked at her who bowed her head to drink the soup, and continued to eat slowly with her head bowed.

The dining atmosphere in the restaurant was good, and Meng Yao couldn't help feeling better.

"I heard that Joe's asked you to make an advertisement endorsement."

The unexpected sentence choked Meng Yao who was burying her head in the soup.

Qiao Yiyuan handed her a tissue.

"Thank you." She reached for it, wiped her mouth and looked at him, "How did Mr. Qiao know?"

(End of this chapter)

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