The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 177 This is a gift to congratulate you on winning the gold medal

Chapter 177 This is a gift to congratulate you on winning the gold medal
Meng Yao didn't like to face the camera, so she quickly bent over to take off the skates and put on the ice, leaving Chen Ying alone to face the reporter.

Chen Ying also wanted to run away, but she was not as fast as Meng Yao, and was already caught by the reporter.

"Look, Meng Yao is jumping!" A reporter exclaimed, "It really is very bold, and it feels better than many male contestants."

"It looks like she has great potential, and she will be Chen Ying's successor. No wonder Qiao asked her to be her spokesperson."

The photographer snapped shots at Meng Yao.

Hearing the reporter's words, Chen Ying, who was being interviewed, had a flash in her mind, she turned her head to see Meng Yao jumping, and was stunned.

No wonder I always felt like I had seen it before, it turned out to be like that person's jump.

The man's jump is also very high, the speed is also very fast, and the skating skills are very superb.

But why is it like that?
Chen Ying couldn't figure it out.

There is such a big difference in age, it is impossible for Meng Yao to have seen that person jump, even if she has seen him, it is impossible to jump with a similar style. Every skater has his own skating style.

What's more, it was reported that that person was no longer there, and it was a short-lived flash in the pan, which is regrettable.

Axel made a triple axel jump and landed on the ice successfully!

If you ask Meng Yao which movement she likes most in figure skating, she will answer jumping, which feels like flying in the air.

"Meng Yao, can I interview you?" A reporter asked Meng Yao in the ice rink loudly.

Meng Yao knew that there was no way to avoid it, so she had no choice but to skate to the edge of the ice rink. She felt uncomfortable when she was on camera, and all her nerves tensed up.

"Meng Yao, do you have any thoughts about the World Figure Skating Grand Prix that you will compete in for the first time? Or maybe it's expectations, goals, etc., whether you are sure to enter the finals."


Meng Yao knows that reporters usually ask some specific questions, "I have the same expectations and goals as all the players. As for confidence, I can only say that I will try my best to perform at my own level, and it is best to perform at a super level!"

"Joe's contribution and support to the figure skating project are obvious to all over the years. As a spokesperson, did you sign the contract with Joe because of the sympathy and goals in figure skating?"

God, this question is even taller!

Meng Yao felt that the questions asked by the reporters at the press conference were more tricky and in-depth.

At noon, Meng Yao was preparing to go to the cafeteria with Chen Ying for dinner when she received a call from Qiao Yiyuan.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out after I tell Sister Ying."

As soon as Chen Ying heard her tone, she guessed who it was, and said simply, "Don't tell me, let's go." After speaking, she turned and went to the cafeteria with other female team members.

Meng Yao secretly sighed, she couldn't wash it off anyway, so let her go.

Walking out of the gate of the gymnasium, I saw the familiar license plate number on the right side, trotted over, ran to the car window and tapped on the window.

Qiao Yiyuan lowered the car window, "Get in the car."

Meng Yao walked around the front of the car, opened the door of the passenger seat and was about to get in, when she saw a poodle on the seat looking at her with its cute little head up, its cute appearance melted her heart.

"It's so cute~" Her clear eyes sparkled, she was amazed, and bent over to look at Qiao Yiyuan in the car, "Mr. Qiao, do you have a puppy?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Qiao was full of love.

"Sit in first." Seeing that she liked it very much, Qiao Yiyuan felt relieved that she was worried that she would not like it.

Meng Yao joyfully reached out to pick up the poodle and sat on the passenger seat, closed the door, fastened the seat belt, and then lowered her head to pet the poodle.

"In the past, I wanted to raise a dog, but my mother refused to let me raise it. She said that I couldn't raise it well enough to raise a dog. Only when my brain was broken did I let me raise it."

"This is a belated gift to congratulate you on winning the gold medal." Qiao Yiyuan drove the car out.

(End of this chapter)

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