The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 181 Mr. Qiao, You Are Cruel

Chapter 181 Mr. Qiao, You Are Cruel

Athletes wearing all sportswear appeared in the airport hall, instantly becoming a beautiful landscape.

When someone recognized Meng Yao, they knew that it was a figure skater going abroad to compete, and people cheered them on one after another.

Recently, Meng Yao has been in the limelight on the Internet, and the reports have been positive and negative.

Being a national athlete establishes a positive image, and it is not a good thing to have negative news, but sometimes, negative reports are criticized by editors who don’t know the truth to criticize blog traffic and gossip, which is really helpless.

"Meng Yao, do you need my help?"

Lu Feng, who accompanied his younger sister Lu Yun to the competition abroad to cheer her on, deliberately slowed down and said to Meng Yao who was at the end of the team.

Meng Yao turned around and smiled politely at him, "No, thank you."

Lu Yun, who was walking ahead, noticed the situation behind them and was very unhappy, "Brother, help me, I have a lot of luggage!"

Lu Feng looked over, and although he frowned secretly, he still apologized to Meng Yao and walked forward.

Qiao Yiyuan didn't reply until the ticket was checked, Meng Yao completely gave up and boarded the plane with the large group.

It seems that Mr. Qiao is really busy, and she can't do what she promised Brother Qu.

"In order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft's navigation and communication systems..." the flight attendant's sweet bilingual announcement sounded, indicating that the plane was about to take off.

Meng Yao didn't take out her phone until the stewardess finished the bilingual broadcast. She was worried that if Mr. Qiao suddenly replied to her, she didn't see it in time and saw a stewardess walking towards her, so she turned her phone to airplane mode.

"Excuse me, may I please sit in?"

A familiar voice came down from the top of her head, Meng Yao raised her head and saw Qiao Yiyuan standing handsomely and charmingly in casual clothes in the aisle, she was stunned in surprise.

Mr. Joe?Is he not coming?
After Qiao Yiyuan put the luggage bag on the luggage rack, he lowered his head and asked her, "Don't you want to enjoy the scenery outside on the way?"

Meng Yao turned her head to look at the seat next to her and then at him, she unbuckled her seat belt and sat in while thanking her.

Qiao Yiyuan turned his head and nodded slightly to Head Coach Fang behind him, then sat down, the seat was a bit narrow, and his legs were long, so it was not very comfortable to sit on.

"Mr. Qiao, I thought you weren't coming." Meng Yao looked uncomfortable when he saw his sitting posture, and looked at his long legs, and sometimes he suffered if his legs were too long.

"Who told you to act like a baby with me, make an exception." Qiao Yiyuan teased her in a rather humorous tone, but the next second killed the humor, "I skipped work to cheer for you, don't forget to pay me for lost wages. "

A smear of black slid down the corner of Meng Yao's forehead, and she asked him quietly, "What should I do now?"

He was about to keep the account, but the words changed when he reached his mouth, his faint eyes fixed on her lovely fair face, "You can choose to pay by flesh, and you can pay all the accounts you want at once, how about it?"

Meat compensation? !
When Meng Yao heard this word, dirty images floated in her head, she quickly folded her hands on her chest, and glared at him with a blushing face, "Don't even think about it!"

Qiao Yiyuan was amused by her reaction, clenched his fist with his left hand and lightly pressed his mouth and nose, and laughed in a muffled voice, and there was a tendency to get out of control, which made Meng Yao confused.

"why are you laughing?"

After suppressing his laughter, he looked at her and said, "I'm not interested in girl movies."

It was only then that Meng Yao suddenly realized that she was being teased by him without knowing it, so forget it and be disgusted!
"The Eighteen Changes of the Female University."

"I'm afraid of becoming ugly."

"Mr. Qiao, you are very naughty."

"You are so serious, I am almost depressed."

Who is serious?Is it him?Facing him, all the cells in her body were in the highest state of readiness.

(End of this chapter)

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