The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 188 Short Chapters · Leaping to No. 2

Chapter 188 Short Program · Leaping to Second Place
- "Axel triple axel."

Falling ice with a horizontal stroke on the outer blade, touch the ice.

——"Triple axel on the back and outside, double axel on the back and inside... Oh, the falling ice wobbled, but fortunately it was stable."

Seeing this combination jumping, head coach Fang at the side of the ice rink looked at Meng Yao on the field unexpectedly. Is this to modify the composition?
——“Here comes the final jump.”

Meng Yao already felt a bit strenuous at this moment, but she must hold on!
——"A quadruple jump on the back-to-outside ice, triple axel jump on the back-to-inside ice, and the ice fell successfully!"

Jump-and-catch swallow-style joint rotation, half-squat rotation, and squat rotation.

The music stops.

Meng Yao panted hard while keeping the finishing action.

——"The performance is very good."

"Meng Yao! Meng Yao!"

There was a uniform shout from the auditorium, and the five-star red flag was waving in the auditorium.

Flower dolls fly to the ice like raindrops.

Meng Yao panted and thanked Si Mian Guan and the judges.

——"Meng Yao's score came out, 93 points! From No. 12 on the stage, he jumped to the second place in the ranking list!"

There was warm applause from the audience.

Waiting for the division, head coach Fang happily hugged Meng Yao, Meng Yao also heaved a long and happy sigh of relief, her tense nerves were relieved, and then thinking of Qiao Yiyuan, she turned her head and scanned the ice rink without seeing anyone else.

"Coach, Joe..."

Meng Yao's words were overwhelmed by the questions of a group of reporters rushing over. The situation in front of her made her stunned. The reporters asked one after another, until she heard a reporter asking a question in Mandarin. .

Where did Mr. Joe go?

Qiao Yiyuan stood in front of the big screen and watched the two-and-a-half-minute short program before leaving and going back to the hotel.

I went back to the hotel to see if there were any missed calls on the landline, and there were none.

He took off his coat and put it at the end of the bed, turned around and walked into the bathroom, soon there was the sound of running water, and the slender body of a man was vaguely reflected on the frosted glass.

Under the lotus shower head, Qiao Yiyuan wiped his handsome face washed by the water with both palms, and brushed his hair back from his head. The movement stopped there, and the images of the ice rink and Meng Yao's jumping images in every game came to mind in his mind.

As soon as the short program ended, the words China Mengyao quickly appeared in various foreign media reports.

At the same time, domestic reports on the World Figure Skating Grand Prix were also released, reporting the latest results of the French station. Meng Yao beat the ten players including Lu Yun in the short program and ranked second, setting a new personal record. Short program recording.

Many netizens commented that they don’t want to be number one, and it’s good to be number two. After all, Russia’s Lisa Gucci is one of the top three regulars in the women’s singles at the World Championships, and it’s easy to score [-] points in the short program.


Qu Xi, who stayed up late watching the live broadcast and fell asleep on the sofa, didn't hear the phone ringing, but Qiao Yiyuan's phone rang.

Qu Xi didn't turn over until twelve o'clock at noon.

The phone rang again.

Qu Xi closed his eyes and reached out to touch the coffee table, the empty bottles and jars on the coffee table fell on the carpet.


Qiao Haiting frowned when he heard the voice that sounded weak like he was about to die, "Qu Xi, do you owe your mother to fix it?"

As soon as he heard the word 'Mom', Qu Xi suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, looked around the living room, but didn't see his mother, and immediately closed his eyes like a deflated ball and fell back on the sofa. He didn't speak for a long time, thinking that Hearing the voice on the phone, he took the phone away from his ear and squinted to see the caller ID, and immediately woke up with a muddy head.

little uncle? !

"Morning, little uncle!" After finishing speaking, he smiled dryly and looked up at the wall clock. It was past twelve noon, his eyes widened in shock, and he lightly covered his wide mouth with one hand.

 There will be no changes until Friday, and the daily update time is 00:00
(End of this chapter)

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