The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 191 Free Skate He is in the audience

Chapter 191 Free Skate He is in the audience
——"The first jump arrangement is a four-way jump on the back and outside. This time I jumped up, and Park Young-hee seems to be doing his best."

——"Then there is a joint jump, Axel's triple jump, a back-to-back jump, and a back-to-outside double jump...a ​​movement is missed, and it is counted as a single movement."

Park Young Hee gritted his teeth secretly.

Damn, I didn't even connect to the second action.

Meng Yao, who was doing leg presses on the fence of the ice rink, smiled and said, "He's in the auditorium."

"I guess I don't want to be photographed." Lisa Guccio joked.

But Meng Yao took it seriously and stopped the movement of pressing her legs.

Mr. Qiao doesn't want to be caught by the camera?

Meng Yao couldn't help turning her head to look at the auditorium, but there were so many people that she couldn't see which side of the auditorium Qiao Yiyuan was on.

Instead, people in the audience, whether Chinese or foreigners, greeted her one after another.

Meng Yao smiled and raised her hand to greet them, and Lisa Gucci's words sounded again.

"Last night, no media paid attention to you before you played. Later, when you left the court, a bunch of reporters interviewed you. Your friend was not with you at that time, and he is not with you today. It is not because of this, but because of something?" Zan said, "Your friend has a great temperament."

——"The final jump is a triple axel jump with a hook, a triple axel jump with a rear inside touch, and the ice fell successfully."

Meng Yao fell into deep thought about Lisa Gucci's words.

——"Okay, Park Young-hee's score is out, 160:240 points! The total score is [-], [-]:[-] points, and he is currently ranked second. This is the second stop of Park Young-hee's player, and he is judged by his points ranking Missed the final."

Hearing Park Young Hee's score, Meng Yao came back to her senses and said "Huh", it was actually two points lower than Lu Yun's?
Turning her head, she saw Park Young-hee, who was leaving the division with the coach, lowered her head and seemed to be crying. Meng Yao hurriedly turned away and pretended not to see it.

——"Next up is the Japanese player Noriko Ito, who is ranked fourth in the short program."

——"The track is "SEASONS", choreographed by Noriko Ito. The theme of this season's contestant Ito is "Dream and Reality". According to her, she wants to use this song to write about her journey, and will continue to work hard go down."

——"The first jump arrangement is a joint jump, a triple axel on the back ice, and a triple axel on the hook."

——"The quadruple jump on the back and outside ice, also without mistakes! Player Ito's state seems to be back."

After falling off the ice, the Yan-style step around the ice rink for half a circle, turning the audience beautifully.

Jump with the outer edge horizontally.

——"Axel triple axel, back and outer axel."

——"Triple axel on the back and outside, double axel on the back and out."

——"The final jump is scheduled to be a rear quadruple jump."

Noriko Ito fell on the ice.

Meng Yao couldn't bear to look directly at her and closed her eyes. At the same time, she remembered the scene of her quadruple jump after the first challenge. She also fell on the ice, and the fall was really hard.

——"This is Ito's first quadruple jump, the challenge failed!"

"I did see her dancing during practice," Tina Termas told Lisa Guccio.

Lisa Guccio responded, "I saw it too."

——"Okay, Ito's score came out, 160 points, a total score of 260 points, and he jumped to the first place. But there are still three players behind."

Meng Yao didn't know how low Ito Noriko's score was, but she could tell from the expressions of Tina and Lisa next to her that she was definitely not as good as last season, and her performance was abnormal.

Therefore, the mentality is too important for players. This is not only related to the technical level, but also the ability to withstand pressure.

——"Next is Tina Termas, a native French player who ranks third in the short program."

(End of this chapter)

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