The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 196 You have to train him well

Chapter 196 You have to train him well

"Arguing with me over figure skating, isn't it fair to you?" What Qiao Haiting dislikes the most is to quarrel with him every time over figure skating.

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and Mrs. Qiao appeared at the door in a hurry. She saw her husband and son with angry faces and a calm and calm face. Sure enough, as A Xi said, they quarreled again.

As soon as Qiao Haiting saw his wife coming, he immediately turned into a coward, and put away his anger.

Mrs. Qiao closed the door and said, "This is a company. If you have something to go home and make a noise, you are not afraid of being heard as a joke."

"I didn't quarrel with my father, I just discussed the matter." Qiao Yiyuan glanced at his wife and immediately turned into a cowardly father.

"Are you just talking about the matter? Are you regretting that you didn't realize it!" Qiao Haiting angrily scolded Qiao Yiyuan, treating him as a subordinate in this matter.

"I'm afraid people don't know if you have a loud voice? Do you want to use a trumpet to advertise?" Mrs. Qiao glared at Qiao Haiting, "I like to scold my son so much, go and call your other three sons back, one by one Training, don’t be partial to only training one.”

"I..." Qiao Haiting wanted to say, but Madam Qiao glared at her and swallowed everything back.

Since having a son, the wife is no longer his!

"Isn't it just watching a game and throwing a tantrum? Can't you stop your bad temper? You know how to bully Xiaoyuan, and you don't see him going to work every day, physically and mentally exhausted, so you don't bother to go home?"

The last thing Mrs. Qiao wants to see is that the father and son are always arguing about figure skating, but every time they quarrel, it is naturally the son.

Is he not coming home because he is tired from work?Qiao Haiting only dared to hate his wife in his heart.

Qiao Yiyuan looked at his father's cowardly look and wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh blatantly, otherwise he would be nagged for hours by his mother.

"Mom, just now dad pointed at my nose and said he wanted to break my legs. It's too much. Am I still his son? Besides, I didn't do anything that would be degrading to the family. You have to discipline him. I'm going back to the office first." , you chat slowly."

Mrs. Qiao originally wanted to count Qiao Yiyuan, who knew he could run faster than a rabbit.

After the office door closed, Mrs. Qiao continued to count her husbands.

"You dare to break Xiao Yuan's leg..."

Qiao Haiting, who was so wronged by being tricked, regretted for the N billionth time that he didn't give birth to a son-in-law to help him.

Back in Beishi, Meng Yao went home to pack her luggage and rode a tram to the hospital to announce the good news to Chen Juan. Aunt Meng, who was accompanying her at the hospital during the day, was very happy to see the silver medal.

Leaving the hospital to go to Uncle Meng's house to bring the bonus home, he did not expect to receive a call from Qu Xi when he entered the door.

"Brother Qu."

"Yaoyao, although I didn't go to France to watch your game, but I did watch the live broadcast. It's too embarrassing for the motherland, so Brother Qu decided to celebrate your victory tonight."

"It's too expensive, no need..."

"It's just the price of the meal. If you don't enter the top three, I won't treat you to dinner." Qu Xi said with a smile, "I have something to do right now. You can call your fourth brother Qiao."

"Just the three of us?" Meng Yao asked hurriedly.

"Invite whoever else you want, let's do this first." Qu Xi hung up after finishing speaking.

Meng Yao looked at the screen of the phone that ended the call, and found Qiao Yiyuan's number to call.

Qiao Yiyuan was sitting and dealing with the work that had piled up for a few days. The phone in the drawer rang. He took it out to see that the call was 'Girl'. He reached out to connect it and tapped the speakerphone and put it aside. He lowered his head and continued to read the file.

"what's up."

(End of this chapter)

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