The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 204 Short Chapter·He Can See Through My Thoughts

Chapter 204 Short Program·He Can See Through My Thoughts

The game goes on.

Meng Yao and Chen Ying sat on the viewing platform to watch the performance of the No. [-] American player, and chatted about small topics in a low voice.

"Sister Ying, according to my short program results, is there any possibility of entering the final?"

"Entering the final is based on points, and the top six enter the final." Chen Ying turned her gaze from the ice rink to look at her, "Why are you so nervous? Take it easy. Although every game should strive to get the best Achievement, but sometimes not hard work can get what you want, but also depends on luck."

"And you are already very good. If you don't make it to the finals this season and there will be competitions later, it doesn't matter if you don't win an international medal this season. Just treat it as accumulating experience. There will definitely be new breakthroughs in the new season."

Meng Yao let out a long sigh, pouted her mouth and propped her chin on one hand, and said, "I was thinking that if I reached the final, Mr. Qiao would be able to accompany me in the competition again. But I can't be too selfish, he is very busy with work."

The reason why she hoped that Mr. Qiao could accompany her in the competition was mostly because Brother Qu said that he really wanted to watch the international competition live.But Mr. Qiao can also refuse, just like the Japanese station.

Hearing her talk about Mr. Qiao, Chen Ying laughed, "I heard that he accompanied you in the competition in France."

A smile floated on Meng Yao's face, "Yes. You don't know that I was super nervous at the time, but he helped me relieve it. I think he can see through my thoughts a lot of times, which is quite amazing."

——"The last and tenth player is Anna Rizart from the United States. Last season's best result was No.9 in the European Championship, and she won No.5 in this competition in China."

——"The song is "The Mermaid"."

With the permission of her father, the mermaid princess floated out of the sea to watch the sunrise, but she saw the prince standing on the bow of the boat. The mermaid princess fell in love with the prince at first sight.

- "Axel triple axel."

Meng Yao looked at Anna Rizart's expression very seriously, and couldn't help muttering, "The expression is so nice, as if she is a mermaid princess and met a prince."

The second time I saw the prince was in a stormy weather. The mermaid princess rescued the prince from the sea and sent him to the beach.

——"Hook triple axel, back-outside triple axel, back-inside triple axel...the back-inside triple axel becomes a round jump."

In order to get close to the prince, the mermaid princess drank the witch's potion and gave up her sweet voice and beautiful fish tail to become a human being. However, she only became the prince's younger sister. Her feet still suffered from knife-like pain every day, and she couldn't communicate with the prince. .

——"Triple axel on the back and outside, two double jumps on the back and out."

The prince is going to marry the human princess. The mermaid princess is very sad. Her sisters sent her a dagger. As long as she kills the prince, she can turn back into a beautiful mermaid princess and reunite with her parents and sisters.

——"Swallow-style joint rotation and half-squatting rotation are very beautifully done."

The mermaid princess fulfilled the prince and the human princess, and became a bubble in the sea and merged with the sea.

——"The final jump is a quadruple jump on the back and outside becomes a triple jump."

Ana Rizart jumps and squats for a spin.

"It's a pity, I think it's pretty good." Meng Yao said to Chen Ying.

——"Rizart's score came out, 89:[-]! Ranked sixth."

So far, the women's single skating short program is over, and the ranking is as follows——

No.1 Mira Johansson, No.2 Chen Ying, No.3 Meng Yao, No.4 Daikako Yamamoto, No.5 Anna Rizart, No.6 Nicole Nikolaova...

Meng Yao walked holding Chen Ying's arm, lowered her head and pressed her phone, and sent the selfie photo to Qiao Yiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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