The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 230 Am I Not Working Hard Enough?

Chapter 230 Am I Not Working Hard Enough?

Although Meng Yao's performance in the finals of the World Skating Grand Prix this season was unsatisfactory, it was not easy to enter the finals. Moreover, Chen Ying unexpectedly came back with a bronze medal, which really boosted the morale of the women's singles.

But in the final of the World Skating Grand Prix, a Chinese athlete was ridiculed by foreigners.

Meng Yao's donut spin was compared with Czech player Nicole Nikolaova's donut spin, and it was posted on ins, which was sent back to China by overseas Chinese, and it was also on the hot search list. At that time, netizens' comments exploded.

Meng Yao didn't know about this until she came back to China. She even watched the video. She immediately felt ashamed. She not only lost face to herself, but also to China. A donut was twirling instead of jumping around, and she couldn't even do it well.

"Some people bring their own news no matter where they go, and it's not something ordinary people can do." Lu Yun said sarcastically.

Meng Yao turned to look at her and understood what she was referring to, but she didn't want to talk to her, so she turned around and changed her skates to go to the dance studio.

Before the next international competition, she's going to do her donut spin better than Nicole Nikolaova!

After Qiao Yiyuan and Meng Yao parted ways, they returned directly to the company and handled business as usual.

Qiao Haiting did not look for Qiao Yiyuan, but asked Linda to send him a lot of work, which meant to tell him clearly that work is what he should do, and Qu Xi's matter indirectly told him that if the work is not difficult To control his lack of work, marry him a wife and control him.

Qiao Yiyuan didn't say anything and accepted the arrangement.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Yao made dinner and went to the hospital to see Chen Juan in full gear after eating.

"Mom, the results of the grand prix finals are not ideal, very poor."

Chen Juan sat on the bed and looked at her with a dull and numb expression.

Knowing that there would be no response, Meng Yao still wanted to tell Chen Juan what was in her heart. This is also her habit every time she comes back from a game.

Meng Yao sat beside the hospital bed, massaging Chen Juan's legs with both hands, "Although it was because of Mr. Qiao that I made it to the finals, I didn't give up trying. I wanted to get a good result, but I couldn't... see Seeing that other players have such good results, I feel so bad.”

"I also did a stupid thing. I gave foreigners the opportunity to laugh at their motherland. I shouldn't be self-righteous, thinking that I can definitely do it. Facts have proved that... anyone who is self-righteous will end up with an ugly fall."

"A lot of people on the Internet are accusing me, saying that there was no donut rotation in the previous arrangement, why did I add it without practicing well? Isn't this a chance for foreigners to mock...Mom, am I stupid? I also regret that I included it without discussing it with the coach."

"Seeing the score of Canadian player Jessie Davis, what I thought at the time..." Meng Yao became more and more sad as she spoke, and lowered her head with reddened eyes, "If that's the score I got, it would be great. I'm one year older, but my skills are so good."

"Mom, you all say that I have talent, but why do I feel that I have stagnated and there is no room for improvement? Am I not working hard enough?"

No matter how much she talked to herself, all she got was Chen Juan's blank stare.

Meng Yao raised her hand and smoothed Chen Juan's hair behind her ears, and said with a sad smile, "Mom, get well soon and teach me to skate. I will definitely learn hard, and I won't be like before. Tonight I will Here to accompany you, I will fetch hot water to wipe your body."

Qiao Yiyuan stayed up all night to finish all the work assigned by Qiao Haiting, and asked Lin to send her back to the chairman's office when she arrived at the company in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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