The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 282 My bones are about to break!

Chapter 282 My bones are about to break!

At seven o'clock, Meng Yao had just finished running ten kilometers, and the finish line was the ice rink.

Seeing Meng Yao panting like a dog, Qiao Yiyuan said coldly, "From now on, as long as the weather conditions permit, I will run ten kilometers outdoors in the morning every day."

Meng Yao raised her head and stared at him in horror, "Is there no treadmill?"

"Ask Mr. Qu." He turned around and walked in after speaking, "Have breakfast, and then enter the dance studio."

Meng Yao wanted to die, but she didn't realize that after running ten kilometers against the cold wind, her whole body was hot and her spirits were particularly good.

"My bones are breaking! Take it easy!"

In the dance room, Meng Yao was stretching, her long and slender legs bent into the hind legs of a frog lying on the wooden floor, Qiao Yiyuan pressed her pretty buttocks down with her right palm to help her open her crotch, which became a veritable "" One" word.

"Just don't move."

Meng Yao wailed "pain painfully" again and again, her hip moved and was pressed down again.

"Think about how your 'Donut Spin' was disgraced internationally. Not only your hips, but your waist, your whole body's flexibility has to be strengthened. From now on, you only have seven months to go. Training time, I remind you that the time is for you to know the number in your heart."

The dance room fell silent for a moment.

Meng Yao suddenly knocked her forehead on the floor and froze.

Seeing that she was not moving, Qiao Yiyuan withdrew his right palm, "Half an hour." After speaking, he got up and walked towards the door of the dance studio, turned around and said to her before going out, "Think about what the theme of the new season will be, and I will arrange it choreographer."

Eh? ?

Meng Yao was so startled that she straightened up and looked back at the door, only to meet his handsome face that instantly changed into a fierce look, she was so frightened that she hurriedly lay back.

Only then did Qiao Yiyuan turn around and leave in satisfaction.

Meng Yao, who was lying on the floor, deserted.

Mr. Qiao can even choreograph and arrange music?That's a really great all-around talent.

Hmm... what's a good theme to use?
Meng Yao closed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

As time passed by, the bright winter sun coming in from the window gradually expanded its area, and finally it was covering Meng Yao who was lying on the floor with her eyes closed, smudged her fair skin into milky white, curly black The shadow cast by Dongyang on the eyelashes falls on the pretty bridge of the nose, at this moment she looks like a sleeping baby.

Inside the ice rink, Qiao Yiyuan, who was dressed in a black training suit, was skating on the ice wearing custom-made golden knife skates. The expression on Jun's face was very devoted, as if he was performing a game passionately.

Arcs, straight lines, single and double foot rotation, and jumping are all at a super high level, and the rhythm is accurately grasped.

Jump off the ice.

Then point the ice and jump around!
Meng Yao opened her eyes suddenly, the subject was clear in her heart, her clear eyes were like the stars in the night sky.

Qiao Yiyuan slid backwards after landing on the ice and performed a joint rotation on the spot with one foot.

There is a lot of "love" in the world. In the past two years, she has gained a lot and encountered a lot of bad things, and it is the opposite of "love".

For example, being canceled the All Youth Championship, losing the short program, losing the opportunity to enter the national team, being expelled from the national team, etc., but there is "love" to resolve it.

For example, Nini, Ruan Feifei, Mr. Qiao, Big Brother Qu, Coach Lu, Second Uncle and Second Aunt, Senior, Yan Xiaoyan, Lu Yun, etc. "Love" gave her help, encouragement and forgiveness, and "love" also gave her Many fans she doesn't know but are silently following and supporting her.

"Love", everyone is born with it, it is a positive energy, I hope that people can get its help and encouragement when they need it, and I hope that when someone needs it, everyone can extend the hand of "love" to fulfill others and at the same time Complete yourself.

With love in your heart, everything is invincible!
(End of this chapter)

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