The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 287 Accept My 'Love' For You

Chapter 287 Accept My 'Love' For You

Seeing him sliding over, Meng Yao, who was laughing, trembled in vain, and slid away.

Qiao Yiyuan chased her one after the other on the huge ice surface. Qiao Yiyuan chased her freely, playing with her like a little monkey, and finally speeding up to catch her when he had enough fun.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, Meng Yao was so anxious that she lost her rhythm. She was so distracted that she forgot to turn, and even slammed straight into the fence. She was so scared that she yelled and turned, but her feet had already left the ice.

Qiao Yiyuan hugged her from behind, "Do you think I should throw it or smash it, huh?"

The elegant words came to her ears, Meng Yao turned her head and saw his handsome face so close to her, she was so shocked that she almost jumped off, but she knew rationally that she would definitely fall down if she jumped, just now she fell and died in pain she is gone.

"I think this is just right, it feels like a fairy is flying!" She said with a smile, opened her arms after speaking, and urged him with a shameless smile, "Skate faster!"

"I let you fly like a fairy, can you let me fly like a fairy?" Qiao Yiyuan asked her sideways.


"Pfft!" She laughed, raised her eyes to meet his faint gaze, her smile was slightly stiff and dry, "Uh...can't..."

"OK." He put her down. When he first put her down, he was worried that she would fall, so he slid down her left hand with his right palm and then let go. "After practice, do a quadruple jump on the ice."

"I'm a little suspicious that you're avenging yourself," she complained.

He didn't deny it, but looked at her with a threatening look in his eyes, "Do you want to practice or not."

"...Practice, practice!" She slandered him for revenge.

After making a "please" gesture to her, Qiao Yiyuan stood with his arms folded and looked at her in a relaxed posture.

Meng Yao slid, tapped the ice, took off, and the figure that was spinning well in the air immediately fell to the ice surface in a second.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, then he tightened his expression and said in a strict voice, "Come again."

Meng Yao got up and continued to slide

"Come again!"

Spring to summer.

"It's for you to show 'love', not for you to go to the funeral! Express the 'love' in your heart to the person you want to convey with your eyes and body language, and let him know what your 'love' is for him!"

Qiao Yiyuan, who was wearing a summer gray sports suit, stood in the middle of the ice rink and shouted loudly to Meng Yao who was practicing songs around the ice rink.

After practicing this dance for nearly half a month, Meng Yao couldn't comprehend the meaning of it.

"Stop." After watching for a while, Qiao Yiyuan had to yell to stop like many times.

Meng Yao stopped, bent down, wiped sweat with her hands on her knees, and gasped for breath.

In fact, she was at a loss for the kind of emotion he mentioned, and felt that it was far from the "love" she thought in her heart.

"You said that because you felt the 'love' from people who have different relationships with you, what kind of deep emotional confession and knowledge do you have in your heart? For example, for Miss Gu, how is your 'love' for her?"

"Iron girlfriend." Meng Yao stood up straight, looked at him and said.

"What about others?" He asked again, "There are many kinds of 'love' as you said, this song is not a specific kind of 'love', family, friendship, love and other emotions can be switched at will."

Switch at will...?
Meng Yao, who fixedly looked at Qiao Yiyuan, seemed to be enlightened, clarified that the depths of his eyes gradually brightened, and smiled at him, "Then Coach Qiao will be a representative and accept my 'love' for you!"

Qiao Yiyuan was slightly startled.

"My 'love' for Coach Qiao is like the water of the Yangtze River, like the flood of the Yellow River, which is out of control!" Meng Yao smiled and used a phrase on the Internet to flatter him.

He couldn't help laughing, and then said, "It depends on whether you can convey it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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