The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 305 Mr. Qiao is really the fourth young master of the Qiao family?

Chapter 305 Mr. Qiao is really the fourth young master of the Qiao family?

Hearing her tone, she seemed to know it. Gumanni didn't believe that she would read the gossip news on the Internet, so she leaned her head in front of her and asked her, "Have you read the news?"

"No." Meng Yao glanced at her, and was about to turn her head when her gaze was caught by a retro-style skirt worn by a model in the window of the clothing store on Gumanni's side, so she pulled her in, and as soon as she entered, she slammed into the skirt go.

"Nini, does this dress look good?" After looking up and down, Meng Yao asked Gumanni excitedly without taking her eyes off the skirt.

Seeing her bright eyes, Gumanni knew that she liked this dress very much, "It's beautiful."

Just as he was about to raise his hand to look at the tag to see the price, a beautiful shopping guide came over.

"You can try it if you like it!"

Meng Yao couldn't put it down because of this dress, and was about to say "yes", but suddenly thought of the price, and reached out to find the tag to see the price, and her eyeballs popped out when she saw it.

Six thousand!

I was cowardly in an instant, and there was no place to put it down, just thinking about spending six thousand oceans on a dress made me feel sore.

"No, we're just taking a look. I'm sorry." Meng Yao said to the shopping guide in embarrassment, and pulled Gumanni out of the store pretending to be calm.

"The price of that dress scares you like this." Gumanni didn't see the price just now.

Meng Yao raised her left hand and gestured "six" to her.

"Six hundred?" Gumanni guessed, and after thinking about it, "With your current income——"

"It's six thousand!"

Gumanni gasped in surprise and swallowed it abruptly, swallowed and asked her, "Is it so expensive?" Then he sighed and said, "That's a price that rich people can afford, we... ..." Seeing that she changed her words, "I can't afford it at the moment, but if you work hard to skate and earn more bonuses, you will be able to afford it one day."

Meng Yao shook her head, "My point of view is 'life should be simple and dreams should be big'."

"Yes, yes, you can say whatever you want." Gumanni agreed, and then returned to the old topic, "How do you know that Mr. Qiao is the fourth young master of the Qiao family if you haven't read the news?"

"Which Qiao family are you talking about?" Meng Yao asked her.

"It's your figure skating sponsor!"

Meng Yao was stunned, her steps also stopped, she frowned suspiciously and asked her, "You said that Mr. Qiao is the fourth young master of the Qiao family?!"


"How is it possible, absolutely impossible!"

Then, Meng Yao told her about the fact that the Stellar Club Chen had been able to enter the national team and found Qiao's.

"At that time, Uncle Yang told me that Mr. Qiao was definitely not the young master of the Qiao family. I believed Uncle Yang. He has been an administrator for Mr. Qiao for so many years, so it's impossible for him not to know?"

"Are you stupid?" Gumanni was annoyed and funny, "Can a boss tell his employees everything? You are not an employee of Mr. Qiao, and you often eat with him or something. He told you about him Is he that beautiful boy or Mr. Qu told you, otherwise you would know? Don't always trust people so easily, okay?"

Meng Yao then asked her in confusion, "Then the things on the Internet are trustworthy?"

These words made Gumanni unable to refute for a while, and finally broke the jar and said, "Oh! Anyway, it's true on the Internet!" Turned to her mobile phone Weibo, "Look for yourself! Things in the news are always different. Maybe everything is groundless and speculative, right?"

After reading Weibo, Meng Yao, who didn't believe it at first, became dubious.

Could it be that Mr. Qiao is really the fourth young master of the Qiao family?
(End of this chapter)

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