The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 357 Simple Breakfast

Chapter 357 Simple Breakfast

Meng Yao's triple jump in the short program of the China Cup has quickly become popular in the world.

The only non-standard is to land on the ice with the left foot, but because the three quadruple jumps take off with the left foot and land on the ice with the right foot except for the back jump, so it is acceptable to switch to the ice with the left foot in the last jump. Reasonable.

After watching the sports channel for a while, Meng Yao remembered Qiao Yiyuan's voice control TV, so she adjusted her sitting position and tried voice control as well.

"Children's channel."

The sports channel immediately switched to the children's channel, but she was stunned, "I didn't know that I could control the voice after watching TV for so long, it's too high-end!"

"Music channel!"

Cartoons become musical sinks.

"Movie channel!"

The music exchange has turned into a movie on the air again.

Meng Yao stretched out her hand and grabbed a pillow, "It's so fun? Try again, what if Mr. Qiao doesn't know if it gets out of control? I can tell him that the TV is broken, so hurry up and fix it. This will be a great achievement, and he will also I won't be angry anymore..."

In the room, Qiao Yiyuan, who was standing behind the door without moving for a long time, was full of surprise and surprise when he heard Meng Yao's voice control changing channels. He was inexplicably amused by her, and even opened the door to peek at her playing with the voice control TV.

But looking at it, the mood changed back to rainy weather.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Qiao Yiyuan got up to do exercises and listen to the radio. At eight o'clock, Meng Yao was not up, so he went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

It is said to be breakfast, but in fact it is just hot milk, oatmeal, and two boiled eggs. Qiao Yiyuan does not have Meng Yao's craftsmanship, so he always comes here when there is no hourly aunt.

After making a simple breakfast, Qiao Yiyuan knocked on the door of Meng Yao's room.

Meng Yao watched "Sailor Moon" last night and didn't go to bed until four o'clock in the morning, so she couldn't hear the knock on the door. However, Qiao Yiyuan had set a schedule for her, and she had to have breakfast at eight o'clock in the morning at the latest.

After not seeing any movement for a long time, Qiao Yiyuan knew that she definitely didn't have a good rest last night. As for the reason, it could be anything other than that handsome evening dress mask.

So Qiao Yiyuan turned around and took a movable all-in-one stereo back, pushed the door open and went in, put the stereo on the side table beside the bed without looking sideways, then exited, closed the door lightly, and opened it with the remote control Audio.

Loud music sounded in the room immediately, startled Meng Yao to jump up, with messy hair, she glanced at the person who disturbed her dream, and found that it turned out to be the stereo in the living room. Alarm time for -

Ten past eight? !
It's over! It's over!

Meng Yao threw off the quilt and ran to the door, opened the door and shouted in the direction of the living room, "I'm up!"

The sound was immediately turned off.

Qiao Yiyuan, who was sitting in the living room, got up and went into the dining room, put two breakfasts on the dining table, and then sat down.

A few minutes later, Meng Yao came out of the room and walked into the dining room. She saw Qiao Yiyuan holding a glass of fresh milk in one hand and talking on the mobile phone in the other. Thank you and have breakfast.

Seeing that he hadn't finished talking on the phone yet and only drank a few sips of milk after breakfast, Meng Yao reached out to take a boiled egg from his plate and peeled it.

"See you at noon." Qiao Yiyuan hung up the phone, and Meng Yao just handed him the peeled boiled egg, and he took it, "Thank you."

She was embarrassed to smile, and didn't dare to answer, for fear of being counted by him.

Looking at her guilty face, he took a small bite of the egg white, chewed it slowly for a while, and then said lightly after swallowing, "Your elder brother Qu is treating you to dinner at noon, and there is Pianpian."

(End of this chapter)

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