Chapter 380 I Love You
"Didn't you agree that you and Yaoyao would come to see my performance? Are you here? I'm about to play." Luo Pianpian asked him on the phone.

Thinking of Meng Yao dancing with Bi Luo, Qiao Yiyuan responded indifferently, "I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Yiyuan walked to the entrance of the banquet hall and looked inside. Meng Yao and Biro were talking, laughing and dancing. The scene was not to mention too dazzling. In a blink of an eye, she saw Ruan Feifei talking to the female contestants from her country, so she walked over .

After dancing, Biro took two glasses of champagne and handed one to Meng Yao, "Would you like champagne?"

Meng Yao was about to reach out to pick it up, when she suddenly remembered what Qiao Yiyuan said to her last season, 'Don't drink champagne, just drink some red wine', so she shook her head apologetically.

"I'm fine with juice or wine."

So Biro gave her a glass of juice in a very gentlemanly manner.

Meng Yao took a sip after thanking her, thinking about how to speak, raised her eyes, and saw Biro greeting other male players.

Qiao Yiyuan has arrived at the theater.

Luo Pianpian, who was wearing warm clothing and was waiting at the entrance of the theater, saw him coming alone. After being slightly surprised, a flowery smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Yiyuan, why is Yaoyao alone?"

After Qiao Yiyuan paid the fare to the taxi driver, after hearing Luo Pianpian's words, he put away his wallet and said to her, "There is a dinner party tonight, and Yaoyao had a great time, so I didn't tell her. Let's go in."

Luo Pianpian smiled and entered the theater side by side with him.

"Biro, how old are you?" Meng Yao asked him looking for a topic.

Biro smiled gently, "27."

"The same year as Mr. Qiao."

Biro said "Yes".

"Mr. Qiao doesn't have a girlfriend, do you?"

"No." Biro shrugged.

This answer made Meng Yao secretly heave a long sigh of relief. If he said that he had a girlfriend, she would not confess his love anymore, so as not to cause trouble to others, and it would be embarrassing to meet again in the future.

"Well... I have something to tell you, you don't need to respond, I just want you to know." She considered it in her heart, looked up at him and said.

"OK." He still looked at her with a friendly smile and waited for her to say seriously.

"I like you."

Hearing this sentence, Biro was slightly taken aback, obviously surprised that she would have a good impression of him.

Meng Yao continued, "At that skating rink back then, you taught me the quadruple jump after teaching me. I always wanted to thank you but never had the chance. Although I never saw you again, I always remember you, so Skating hard is a small part of my reason to meet you again."

After Biro was surprised, he continued to listen to her carefully, but he thought of how Qiao Yiyuan treated her.

"I also came here in the Grand Prix final last year, but I didn't meet you. In fact, I didn't know your name at the time. I only knew your name was Biro when I saw you at the World Championships. Then this season's Grand Prix happened to be I was assigned to Canada, so I went to watch your formula practice, I am very happy."

"I should express this feeling to you bravely and generously, hoping that I won't be hated by you."

"You are so cute, how could you hate me? I like you too, Yaoyao." Biro said to her with a smile, in the tone of a brother to a sister, "but this liking is not what you think it is. And ...I personally think that you still don't understand what it's like to like between a man and a woman."

"How can I like you if I don't understand?" She Biro is the love between men and women, "Isn't it love to often miss the same person."

(End of this chapter)

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