Chapter 386
After dinner, Meng Yao originally wanted to go to the hospital to see Chen Juan, but Second Aunt Meng asked her to go back to adjust the time difference, so she recorded a video with Second Aunt Meng's mobile phone.

"The National Championship at the end of this month." Qiao Yiyuan, who was driving, said to Meng Yao, who was playing with her mobile phone while bowing her head.

Meng Yao was looking up recipes on the Internet, and the bonus was lying on her lap. Hearing what he said, she just said "oh".

With such a perfunctory response, Qiao Yiyuan turned to look at her. Seeing her so engrossed in playing with her mobile phone, she thought she was chatting with Bilo Davis again, and her mood became gloomy again, and she didn't speak again when she returned home.

"How about making borscht tonight?" Meng Yao said to him after entering the door.

"I'll go out for dinner." Qiao Yiyuan said as he went back to the room, not intending to continue talking to her.

Meng Yao looked at his tall and straight back as he walked into the room, even closing the door with his backhand, without looking at her at all.

That is... she had dinner alone?
In the room, Qiao Yiyuan took off his clothes slowly. The more he thought about Meng Yao holding his mobile phone and chatting with Bi Luo, the more he became angry. When he took off only his underwear, he walked into the bathroom, and the sound of the shower water was heard not long after.

Meng Yao was also in the bathroom at this time, but she was just taking a bath, maybe it was too comfortable, and she was too tired after sitting on the plane for several hours, so she fell asleep lying on the edge of the bathtub while soaking.

Twenty minutes later, Qiao Yiyuan dried his hair and went to bed. Before going to bed, he set the alarm clock and closed his eyes to sleep.

An hour later, Meng Yao was woken up by the cold, and quickly got up from the bathtub, tidied up and climbed into bed quickly, but she always felt that her vest was cool.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when she woke up, and Meng Yao, who was a little dizzy, turned around the house, but Qiao Yiyuan was nowhere to be seen, and it took a long time to dullly remember that he said that he was going out for dinner, so of course he won't be at home now.

Qiao Yiyuan left at 06:30, but he and Mrs. Qiao didn't arrive at the Chinese restaurant that had reserved a table until after eight o'clock.

"This restaurant is newly opened recently. The taste is quite suitable for you. Let's try it together." Mrs. Qiao looked at the menu and said to him.

While she was speaking, Qiao Yiyuan had already sat down across from her, and habitually folded her long legs to look at her, "As long as Mom likes it, you don't need to deliberately accommodate me." Then he drank the warm boiled water brought by the waiter to moisten his throat.

After ordering, Mrs. Qiao smiled and handed the menu to the waiter, then looked at him and said with a smile, "My son won a gold medal for the motherland, of course we should celebrate it."

"Meng Yao took it." Speaking of Meng Yao, Qiao Yiyuan thought that Meng Yao was still sleeping, thinking about what to bring back for her to eat later.

"You are her coach. If she doesn't take it, it's the same as you take it."

The coach is the guide on the way for athletes to succeed. It would be impossible to say that it has nothing to do with the coach, so Qiao Yiyuan silently agrees with her.

Meng Yao sat at the dining table, with a bowl of egg noodles still steaming in front of her, chatting with Gumanni through video on her mobile phone.

"Biro said you didn't like him because you liked him?" Gumani had just finished teaching English to an elementary school student and was on her way to another student's house, ready to cross the street.

"Yeah..." Meng Yao leaned on her left cheek with her left hand, and stirred the noodles with her right hand holding chopsticks, feeling that she had no appetite. What he said may be right, I may really admire and like him, not a crush in love."


Because of emergency braking, there was a sharp sound of tires rubbing against the road.

The good video call was cut off all of a sudden, Meng Yao took half a beat to react, so she dialed again lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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