The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 390 The best state of love he longs for

Chapter 390 The best state of love he longs for

After washing up and opening the door, a familiar foreign language broadcast came to my ears, and I couldn't help but read along, thinking that Qiao Yiyuan was exercising in the study, and walked towards the kitchen.

But he was stunned when he walked in, Qiao Yiyuan was making breakfast, and there was still the smell of rice wafting in the air.

This is the smell of porridge. Mr. Qiao is cooking porridge?
"Mr. Joe, good morning!"

Unexpectedly, she would wake up so early, Qiao Yiyuan turned to look at her in surprise, and saw her standing at the door smiling, with a refreshing and pleasant smile, and a slight smile could not help but follow her thin lips.

"Morning. Come here and let me touch your forehead."

She walked towards him with brisk steps and stood in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to pull her down, and there was an instant distance of less than one centimeter between them. The man's breath mixed with his unique fragrance entered her nostrils, as if she could still hear his steady and regular heartbeat, Her face involuntarily became hot gradually.

She didn't feel nothing about the medicine he fed her twice last night. She felt that his attitude towards her was a little weird last night, like...

Meng Yao searched for a suitable word in her mind.


"Cough..." As soon as the word came out, I choked on my own saliva, and raised my hand to cover my mouth and coughed.

Damn, how could she feel this way, she's burned out her brain!
As soon as Qiao Yiyuan touched her forehead with the back of his hand, he heard her coughing. Seeing that she was still coughing until her face turned red, she thought she had a fever and then caught a cold, so he said to her, "If you cough like this, please ask Dr. Zhou to come and see you again." .”

She quickly waved her hand and refused, "I didn't cough, I just swallowed the wrong saliva and choked..." Seeing the porridge pot, she took the opportunity to change the subject, "Mr. Qiao, can you cook porridge?"

Very unbelievable.

"You can learn if you can't." He turned his head to look at the pot, took a look at the lid, reached out to turn off the fire, "Doctor Zhou said that his body has just recovered, so it's better to eat some clear porridge."

"Thank you for taking care of me, Mr. Qiao." She thanked him very sincerely.

He changed his expression slightly, and said calmly, "Don't thank me in the future, I don't want to hear it."

Although she didn't understand why he changed his face, she didn't want to make him unhappy, otherwise she would be sad all day, so she complied obediently.

Qiao Yiyuan liked her obedience very much, and he felt better again.

During breakfast, he asked her if she was fine and she said nothing, then he asked her specifically, "Can I make borscht for lunch?"

"If you want to eat, I will cook." She smiled at him, "I checked the recipe on the Internet when I came out of my second aunt's house at noon yesterday. .”

Qiao Yiyuan asked her again without any trace, "Didn't you chat with Billy Davis yesterday?"

Speaking of Biro Davis, Meng Yao breathed a sigh of relief, resting her chin with her left hand, biting the chopsticks in her right hand with her mouth, assembled her words in her heart, and watched him answer honestly.

"No. Biro said that I just wanted to thank him so much that I missed him so much. Then I thought about it and felt that I didn't like him that much, and I didn't have the throbbing emotion he said."

Only when she said personally that she didn't like Bilo Davis did Qiao Yiyuan feel at ease, and he had the urge to take the opportunity to confess to her, but he was afraid of scaring her.She has always been a self-aware girl who understands that the sense of gap is the gap between them.

And there is still a competition to come, if she is self-defeating and she dare not face him, the state of the competition will also be affected, so there is only one way...

She likes him too.

This is also the best state of love that he yearns for - the two are happy.

(End of this chapter)

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