The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 517 Only for one person

Chapter 517
"But now," Meng Yao looked at her unconscious legs with watery eyes, "what else do I have to work hard for, I'm already a waste, I have no future with him, what's the use of seeing each other! If you dare to let him Come in, I will break up with you!"

Gumanni slammed the cabinet, stared at her and said ruthlessly, "If you dare to break up with me, I will turn you from a paralyzed person into a real waste! I told you to talk nonsense because you are in a bad mood. You don't want to vent it. You are breaking your promise! Meng Yao Gumanni has been a best friend all her life, if you dare to break your oath, don’t stand up for the rest of your life!”

After being yelled at by her, Meng Yao faltered for a second, and cried aggrievedly, "Nini, you scolded me."

Seeing her being scolded and crying, Gumanni was taken aback with anger, and began to blame herself in her heart. She reached out and took a tissue to help her wipe her tears.

"Maybe it's because I hope you have results too much, so I will do whatever is good for your relationship. I'm too subjective, and I didn't think about it from your point of view. I'm sorry, Yaoyao."

"I just told Mr. Qiao about your situation. Whether he comes or not is his business, and whether you see him or not is your business. I will not interfere with it. The best development is to let nature take its course. I support whatever you do. "

"You're right, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, I don't want to climb into a rich family, we all have the same idea, I can't force you to be together because I think you and Mr. Qiao are suitable, falling in love and getting married really can't be confused. "

Meng Yao turned from crying to laughing, opened her hands, and Gumani leaned forward to hug her.

"Come on, don't give up on yourself, don't be discouraged, don't be disappointed in yourself, you can stand up, the Olympic season is still waiting for you to win the Grand Slam. For the dream, don't forget the original intention, continue to forge ahead."

Although the words are very inspirational, to Meng Yao who just lost the ability to walk, they are so useless to encourage, and I feel that when I encouraged others like that in the past, I was a virgin whore. What is the mood and mentality of the situation, in fact, the most difficult thing is to accept the facts.

The moment she knew that she really couldn't stand up, she felt that her dream was shattered into sand, one grain at a time, and she couldn't put it together.

Qiao Yiyuan, who was wearing a black woolen coat and a high-necked woolen sweater, snow boots and wool gloves, was walking in the hospital hall with people coming and going in the wind and cold. The local Russians who passed by him felt that he was tall and outstanding. In addition, there was an appearance of aristocratic temperament, and they all looked sideways.

Seeing Chen Juan and head coach Zhu standing in front of Meng Yao's ward from a distance, Qiao Yiyuan's dim eyes were fixed on Chen Juan, and he kept walking forward.

Hearing the sound of steady footsteps, Chen Juan and head coach Zhu turned their heads. Seeing Qiao Yiyuan, the two had different expressions, especially Chen Juan, whose expression was much lighter.

Qiao Yiyuan greeted head coach Zhu, then walked up to Chen Juan and stood still, preemptively and politely said, "Coach Chen, long time no see. I have something to talk to you about, can I talk to you?"

Just when she was about to say "Yaoyao doesn't want to see you" but he snatched her away. What he said was nothing more than an illegitimate child, and she didn't want to talk about it again.

"I don't think there is anything to talk to Fourth Young Master Qiao. Fourth Young Master Qiao is a busy person, so don't waste time here."

Qiao Yiyuan raised his hand and took out a photo from the hidden pocket of his coat and handed it to her, "Coach Chen, I have spent so much time, manpower and financial resources just to get someone back. Unless I can't, don't want, don't want, otherwise it's reasonable. Don't give up."

(End of this chapter)

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