The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 521 I agree with you to fall in love

Chapter 521 I agree with you to fall in love

Walking out of the ward, seeing Qiao Yiyuan standing straight by the door, Gumanni walked over and stood side by side with him at a distance of one person, and said in a chatting tone, "Yaoyao probably won't be able to pass the psychological test, and she will be in a while." OK."

He turned to look at her, just as she turned to look at him, he asked her, "Miss Gu, you are her best friend, you should know why she didn't see me, right?"

"Mr. Qiao, do you mean asking me to guide you?"

"is it okay?"

"Of course." She readily agreed, "Before you came, I had a conversation with Yaoyao. It should be said that since you separated, she had some thoughts about her legs being unable to walk. If I were her, I probably would too. Think like her, but from your point of view, you don't know."

Seeing that what she said seemed serious, he frowned slightly, worried that Meng Yao still wanted to push him away.

"To put it simply, Yaoyao likes you very much, but she has always felt that she is not good enough for you, so she worked very hard when she was with you, and hoped that one day she would reach a... well, a height where she could stand shoulder to shoulder with you, but now she is standing I can't get up anymore, I feel that I have no motivation, and I feel that I don't deserve you, and the psychology is deeper. This is just for your relationship, nothing else."

"Nothing else?" He sharply grasped the last word, "Miss Gu, I hope you can explain it."

Gumanni hesitated, and said in a low voice with a little difficulty, "For example... getting married." After speaking, she raised her hand to cover her forehead.

Qiao Yiyuan listened, and slightly lowered his eyes to look at the floor.


"Isn't that means that Dad has neither mistress nor illegitimate child?" Meng Yao asked Chen Juan.

Chen Juan nodded, her heart was heavy, and she also felt very sad. Because of a photo, she doubted her husband's loyalty. It turned out that her trust in him was so shallow. The most important thing was that she felt sorry for Yaoyao and Qiao Yiyuan. , they will not be separated for so long.

Everything is because of oneself.

"Yaoyao, mom wants to say sorry to you. It's mom who separated you from Qiao Sishao for so long." She sincerely apologized, and she should also apologize to Qiao Yiyuan, "but the words are up front, there is no such thing, mom agrees If you are in love, if you are talking about marriage, Mom wants to say that the wealthy family is not so easy to get into, and the rich family's daughter-in-law is not so easy to be, we must be self-aware."

Meng Yao twitched her lips in a self-deprecating way, "Mom, I'm like this now, how can I think about these things?"

Chen Juan, however, had great confidence in her. She patted her head and said warmly, "Mom believes that you can stand up. It's okay, take your time. Mom won't get involved in the matter between you and Young Master Qiao. You decide on your affairs." After finishing speaking Pat the back of her hand, get up and go out.

After watching Chen Juan leave, Meng Yao let out a long breath and covered her face with her hands. After ten seconds, she wiped her face with her hands vigorously, staring blankly at the snow-white ceiling, lost in thought for a moment.

"Fourth Young Master Qiao, I'm really sorry for you before, am I..."

"Coach Chen," Qiao Yiyuan quickly cut off the "I'm sorry" after Chen Juan, "I also did something wrong, please forgive me. Let the past go, and the misunderstanding is solved. The most important thing now is to help Yao Yao came out of the trough."

Chen Juan lowered her head quite impressively, feeling inferior to him, she nodded slightly after being silent, and looked up at him, "Fourth Young Master Qiao..."

"Coach Chen, allow me to interrupt again. If you don't mind, you can call me by my name like before. It's too strange to call me Qiao Sishao. Besides, you are my girlfriend's mother. I should respect and respect you more."

(End of this chapter)

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