The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 531 Biro came to see me, China Cup tomorrow

Chapter 531 Biro came to see me, China Cup tomorrow

"Come back when you come back, what's the big deal, it's normal for people to eat and drink, if he can't stand this, he will run away."

"But I'm sorry."

Qiao Yiyuan almost burst into laughter, covered his mouth with his left palm in time, then got up and went out quietly, as if he had never come in.

When he closed the door with his backhand, Chen Juan just opened the door, saw his tall back going out, opened her mouth to call him, but suddenly wondered if he heard their conversation just now, afraid that Yaoyao would be embarrassed, so she went out on purpose.

Looking back at Meng Yao who was playing with her mobile phone, Chen Juan looked at the door again, smiled silently, and pushed the door panel away against the wall.

"Have you been to China yet?" Meng Yao sent a WeChat voice, and the person in the chat dialog box was Biro Davis.

——"Here we are. We've already arrived in Beishi. Which hospital are you in? Send me a location."

Meng Yao immediately sent a location to Biro.

Chen Juan opened the door of the living room and went out, but she didn't see Qiao Yiyuan's figure, so she couldn't help wondering where he had gone.

In the corner of the stairwell, Qiao Yiyuan stood upright in front of the window, looking out the window with faint eyes at the continuous mountains like ink in the sky, with a cigarette between the slender index finger and middle finger of his left hand, the cigarette butt curled up, and the smell of smoke surrounded him.

He stood at this station for a long time until a nurse came up from downstairs and reminded him not to smoke in the hospital. After going upstairs, she looked back at the watch time and turned around.

Before pushing open the door panel, Qiao Yiyuan smelled the smell of smoke on his body, and pushed the door open when he felt that there was no smell.

As soon as I entered, I heard Meng Yao's voice coming from the ward, and then a man's voice, which sounded familiar. I was thinking about who it was, when the man's voice sounded again——

"Tomorrow is the Cup of China, the fourth round of the Grand Prix. Watch the live broadcast tomorrow night and cheer me up." Biro sat on a chair and smiled to Meng Yao.

"No problem." Just as Meng Yao finished speaking, Qiao Yiyuan walked in. Her eyes lit up and her smile became sweeter. "Brother Qiao, you are back. Biro will come to see me tomorrow for the China Cup."

Hearing her address to Qiao Yiyuan, Bi Luo was secretly surprised, but he stood up and greeted Qiao Yiyuan with a smile, "Hi, Coach Qiao, long time no see."

"Hello, Mr. Davis." When Qiao Yiyuan greeted Biro, he looked at Meng Yao, which implied something in his eyes.

Meng Yao didn't look at him, but looked at Biro shyly, and what Qiao Yiyuan's eyes suggested had already been said, "Biluo, Coach Qiao is my boyfriend now." After speaking, she looked at Qiao Yiyuan with a smile , and extended his right hand toward him.

Hearing with her own ears that she told the person she had a crush on at the time that he was her boyfriend, Qiao Yiyuan's heart instantly seemed to drink honey, which was extremely sweet. She stretched out her right hand and right palm to caress her pink cheeks, bowed her head and kissed her in front of Biro.

Seeing that they showed affection for each other as soon as they saw each other, Biro said "WOW~", clapped his hands with a smile, and whistled again and again.

Qiao Yiyuan let Meng Yao go only after the declaration of sovereignty was enough. Seeing that her face was flushed, she was very satisfied.

Meng Yao became annoyed and pulled up the quilt to hide.

"Hahaha..." Biro laughed unceremoniously and gave a thumbs up, "Coach Joe, it's great!"

Qiao Yiyuan returned to reality from the expected picture, and the chatter and laughter in the ward were heard clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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