Chapter 534
Chen Juan came to the Stellar Club early in the morning, and she was in a very bad mood when she came out again. It can even be said that she was disappointed with the Stellar Club.

"Coach Chen."

Chen Juan opened the door of the car, and head coach Zhu chased her out to call her, and trotted up to her, but she stopped when she was about to get in the car.

"Let me negotiate with the higher-ups again. This matter is really unfair to the club." Head coach Zhu said to her.

Recognizing the sincerity in his words, Chen Juan shook her head, "Coach Zhu, thank you. They have made it very clear just now, and it would be embarrassing for you to talk about it again. I will tell Yaoyao about the actual situation." At this point, she lowered her head apologetically, looked up at him after letting out a little breath, "If Yaoyao doesn't want to stay in Xingxing anymore, I won't force it."

She thought that letting Yaoyao go back to Xingxing would give her some security, but she didn't expect, it didn't.

Regarding this matter, Head Coach Zhu was also in a complicated mood. Hearing what she said, he was heartbroken and said, "I will pay for Meng Yao's medical expenses."

Chen Juan was slightly startled, but quickly refused, "Coach Zhu, you are not responsible for this matter, and it is not easy for you to make money." Seeing that he still wanted to say something, she said, "That's it, Yaoyao is getting older, her business It's up to her to decide later."

Qiao Yiyuan was feeding Meng Yao breakfast, and Second Aunt Meng was sitting in the outer hall eating breakfast, she stretched her head to look inside from time to time after eating two bites, then covered her mouth and snickered and retracted her head.

"Do you feel salty?" Qiao Yiyuan asked Meng Yao.

"Yes." Meng Yao didn't think about it.

He paused at the fish porridge he was handing to her mouth, and looked at her suspiciously, "Really?"

"Yeah." She looked sincere.

Seeing that she didn't lie to him, he took a bite, and stared at her slightly as soon as he took the mouth, "Little liar."

She covered her mouth and snickered, "Who told you to insist on feeding me, I said I would eat it myself, and you eat it too, you don't do it."

"I don't know what to do." He snorted coldly and continued to feed her, "Open your mouth."

She pouted and opened her mouth, but he kissed the porridge without entering her mouth. She stopped talking immediately, her face flushed, she looked towards the door, and slapped him and whispered, "My second aunt is outside."

"I know." He replied lightly, and fed her.

"Knowing that you are still messing around, I will give you the crime of 'being disrespectful'." She deliberately scolded him with a straight face.

"Then I should also give you the crime of 'unsuitable husband'." He imitated her and took his name very naturally.

Her face turned red again, and she stopped talking and ate breakfast obediently.

Chen Juan drove into the hospital gate.

"I'm not full yet." Qiao Yiyuan wiped Meng Yao's mouth.

"I'm full. Thank you for your breakfast. It's delicious. You're good at cooking." She smiled and praised his cooking skills.

While packing up the lunch box, Qiao Yiyuan's cell phone rang, he took it out to check the call, and then connected.

Chen Juan opened the door and entered the hall, and said a few words with Second Aunt Meng. Second Aunt Meng took her bag and left. Chen Juan then walked into the ward and saw Meng Yao looking at Qiao Yiyuan answering the phone. That look made people feel sweet.

"Yaoyao." She cleared her throat and said.

Meng Yao turned to look at the door, "Mom, you're here."

Qiao Yiyuan was answering the phone call from the company, when he heard Chen Juan's voice, he turned his head and nodded to greet her, then looked at Meng Yao, got up and went outside to continue talking.

"Yaoyao, Mom has something to tell you about your injury this time. I just came from Xingxing." Chen Juan sat on the chair and put the bag at the end of the bed.

Meng Yao's originally relaxed expression tightened, and her joyful mood also condensed, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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