Chapter 547

Qiao Yiyuan looked at the phone screen seriously, and asked him sideways, "That's what you look like, how handsome do you want to be? It's not bad if you don't have a disability."

"Look at you, the vicious stepmother's intentions have been exposed! You didn't want to take a good picture of me!" Qu Xi scolded him with a pussy face, and then pulled him away, "You stand in front, and I stand behind."

"..." Qiao Yiyuan wanted to kick him away, but he endured it. When he stood up with a "click", he snatched the phone before he saw the finished film.

"No, no, you're stealing my limelight again!" Qu Xi exploded in anger, and tapped his thumb again, "Do it again..."

Qiao Yiyuan couldn't bear it anymore, and snatched the phone back, "I'll take a picture of my girlfriend to see what's going on with you? It's not too much to be a big light bulb." After speaking, he walked to the side, and the very casual photo was so handsome that a woman wanted to throw her down .

After sending the photo to Meng Yao, Qiao Yiyuan put away his mobile phone and set off for the hotel just in time.

After Qiao Yijing got into the car with his wife, the others followed.

After exercising for a while, Meng Yao was taken by the nurse and sat down to rest. Seeing the green signal light of the mobile phone flashing, she picked it up and swiped open the screen of the mobile phone. She saw a WeChat picture sent by Qiao Yiyuan. When she clicked on WeChat, she saw that it was his selfie. , he was so handsome in an instant, he couldn't take his eyes off him, and kept sighing in his heart how he could be so good-looking.

——"I knew my boyfriend was handsome, but I didn't know he was so handsome! 【Red lips】"

Qiao Yiyuan, who was sitting in the back seat with Qu Xi, felt the phone vibrating in his pocket, and had a premonition that it might be Meng Yao's reply, so he took it out to see, and it was indeed her, with an unconscious "auntie smile" on his lips.

——"Do you want to fall over, huh?"

Seeing the reply, Meng Yao raised a "aunt smile" that was bigger than Qiao Yiyuan's.

——"I want to! But I can't jump."

This reply made Qiao Yiyuan full of expectations for her to throw herself down after recovery.

--"I am waiting."

Qu Xi, who put away his mobile phone next to him, saw him smiling disgustingly, and couldn't help stretching his head to look, but Qiao Yiyuan put away his mobile phone at the right time, and turned his head to look sideways at him.

Throw down Brother Joe...

Meng Yao imagined the scene of the bed sheet rolling, her face blushed uncontrollably, her heart was beating wildly, and she shook her head repeatedly to get rid of the dirty thoughts before the picture developed to the point where it was not suitable for children.

So evil!

Patting his hot faces with his hands, he looked around nervously, only to find that no one noticed, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the voice of the WeChat message rang.

—— "I'll show you the scene when the wedding starts."

When the wedding was going on and there was no need for her companion on the stage, Qiao Yiyuan went to a corner to make a video call with Meng Yao, only to see the silver glitter on her earrings, and quickly remembered that she said she wanted to get her ears pierced a few days ago.

"You got your ears pierced?"

"That's right!" She was so excited to be noticed by him, and she deliberately turned her head left and right to show him, "Pierced earrings are so pretty."

"..." I didn't expect her to be so mobile, so she really went to get her ears pierced just to wear the earrings he gave her.

"As long as there is no inflammation, it will be fine in three or four days."

Hearing that there might be inflammation, Qiao Yiyuan raised his eyebrows, regretting that he didn't insist on taking and replacing the earring.

"Your second sister-in-law is so beautiful." Suddenly seeing the bride's front face, Meng Yao was amazed.

"Little..." Seeing Qiao Yiyuan standing alone in the corner, Mrs. Qiao felt strange, so she walked over. She didn't expect to see Meng Yao's face in the video, and her mood in the cloud suddenly fell half, Liang Qing's voice was indifferent Call him, "Xiao Yuan, what are you doing here?"

Hearing the sound, Qiao Yiyuan turned his head calmly, told Meng Yao to call later and hung up, put away the phone and turned to Mrs. Qiao.

"Show Xiaoyao the wedding scene."

(End of this chapter)

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