The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 567 Who Has No Eyes Offended Our Ancient Beauty

Chapter 567 Who Has No Eyes Offended Our Ancient Beauty
Qiao Yiyuan just smiled wordlessly.

When Qiao Yiyuan left, Meng Yao insisted on sending him downstairs, but Chen Juan didn't stop her, but told her to go back quickly so as not to freeze.

The two took the elevator downstairs hand in hand and walked to his car.

"Okay, get in the car and go back, go to bed early."

She raised her head to look at him, raised her hand to gather his coat, but was wrapped around his waist and hugged him into his arms, she opened her arms around his waist and nestled into his arms, absorbing his scent, listening to his heartbeat Voice.

He tapped his chin lightly on the top of her hair, reluctantly letting go.

After a long time, he gently pushed her away, pinched the tip of her nose with his left hand, "It's cold outside, go up."

"En." She retreated from his arms, the warmth disappeared suddenly, and her heart felt empty for a moment.

Seeing her depressed and unhappy expression, he bent his head to touch her forehead, eyes met, she first laughed, and then he laughed too.

"Want to talk for a while?" Qiao Yiyuan asked her.

Meng Yao thought for a while, then nodded.

"Then walk around your neighborhood to eliminate food."


next day
"Yaoyao, wake up for lunch, Manny is here." Chen Juan's voice sounded from outside the door, accompanied by a knock on the door.

Then the door panel was pushed open, and Gumani walked in quickly from the outside with a backpack on her back. After closing the door with her backhand, she walked to the window and opened the thick curtains. A dazzling light illuminated the room.

Today, Beishi was favored by the long-lost Father-in-law Sun, and it was warm.

Meng Yao, who was still sleeping, was awakened by the sunlight, but before she opened her eyes, she pulled the quilt over her head.

Seeing her retracting into the quilt again, Gumanni leaned directly on her body, "Big slacker, get up and eat! After dinner, let's go shopping. I'm resting today!"

"Isn't today Friday?"

Meng Yao asked her in a sleepy, lazy voice from under the quilt, she didn't even lift her eyelids, she just twisted her body uncomfortably due to the extra weight on her body, and calmed down again.

"Haven't you come back from Canada yet? Canada is still Friday, but China is Saturday!" Gumani shook her, "Get up!" Seeing that she didn't respond, she pulled the quilt and pinched her nose, "You wake up!" Don't get up!"

Meng Yao opened her mouth fiercely to breathe, pushed her away and sat up at once, "Okay, I can't stand you little fairy!" She pulled her hair and got off the bed.

Gumanni followed to the door of the bathroom, leaned against the threshold, folded her hands on her chest, and said to Meng Yao who was squeezing toothpaste, "Yesterday, after meeting with the boss, I went to the restaurant for dinner. Guess who I saw?"

"Which one who doesn't have eyes has offended our ancient beauty and was so disgusted." Meng Yao spat and brushed her teeth, looking at Gumani behind her in the mirror.

"Ji Shunfeng." Gumanni said coolly, with mockery in her words.

Meng Yao froze for a moment, stopped brushing her teeth, then blinked her eyes and continued brushing.

what's the situation?
Spit out the foam in her mouth, and was about to speak, Gumanni continued to speak, so she continued to brush her teeth.

"He actually said that I am my boss's Xiaomi! Do you think this kind of debt is owed? I slapped him on the spot!"

Meng Yao brushed her teeth again, cursing Ji Shunfeng in her heart.

"He also said that he regretted not sleeping with me when he was with me, and let me be ruined by other men for nothing!" Gumani became more and more angry, and couldn't help swearing, "This kind of person is living a crime!"

Meng Yao, who was brushing her teeth, echoed "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" to hear Romanni continue spraying Ji Shunfeng into shit.

(End of this chapter)

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