The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 570 Retire at the end of the season

Chapter 570 Retire at the end of the season
The opening time of the Winter Olympics is approaching day by day, Qiao Yiyuan and Meng Yao's training is getting more and more intensive, and they have reached a consensus on striving for perfection in the program.

Meng Yao's mentality has also undergone some changes. From time to time, she will worry that she will not perform well in the game. Not only will she be disappointed, but she will also disappoint Qiao Yiyuan, and even disappoint many fans who like her and support her.

This day, after training at noon, I went home to have a meal and took a break in the middle. Chen Juan had already cooked the meal.

Seeing her coming in alone, Chen Juan asked her, "Why don't you see Yiyuan?"

"He said he had something to do at home." Meng Yao changed her shoes, dragged her inside, threw her backpack on the sofa, then walked towards the kitchen, washed her hands and sat down at the dining table.

Chen Juan sat down opposite her, and gave her a bowl of soup, "Please eat more after you have worked so hard."

Meng Yao was so hungry that her chest was stuck to her back, she nodded while eating, her mouth was too busy to talk, so she didn't have time to talk.

"I'll discuss something with you after dinner." Chen Juan watched her eat for a while before eating.

Meng Yao nodded again.

Satisfied with food and drink, Meng Yao sat down on the sofa with her hands and legs stretched out in big characters, while the TV hanging on the wall played the wonderful music from the music station.

After washing the dishes, Chen Juan came out and sat on the single sofa, and said to her, "After this season is over, you can retire."

"Ah?" Meng Yao turned her head to look at her reflexively, with a look of astonishment and suspicion on her face, "Mom, you just said that you will retire after this season?"

"Yeah." Chen Juan nodded, "You will be 23 when your birthday comes this year. Mom hopes that you will go back to school early. It will take time to get a degree. When you finish your degree, you will be 26, right? If you I'm still with Yiyuan, get married or whatever, it's up to you."

"But Mom, I don't want to retire yet." Meng Yao frowned.

She feels that she can skate better, and she doesn't feel that she has enough energy to spare. This shows that she has not yet reached the stage of retirement. Besides, her technical goal is to be as good as Brother Qiao and become the best in women's singles in the world. It is her personal achievement, but also for the motherland.

"Mom knows you don't want to retire, but what if one day you fall and become paralyzed like last time? You may not have the same recovery status as last time. I wanted to tell you when the new season started, But I didn’t mention it for fear of affecting your mood.”

"Then you mention it now, never thought it would affect my mood to participate in the Winter Olympics?"

"Now I think your ability to bear is pretty good, you can mention it." The way Chen Juan looked at her was that she was made of concrete and steel bars, and she didn't look like a branch that was easy to break at all.

Meng Yao felt her heart was stabbed deeply, and asked quietly, "Mom, am I your own? What you are asking is an important question, can't you have a sense of ceremony?"

"During the meal, my mother told you that I have something to discuss with you after the meal. Isn't this a sense of ritual?" Chen Juan asked back, and then said, "I didn't say that you will retire immediately, and there is still time to adapt to this problem before the end of the season. And letting you retire is also for the sake of your body and future happiness."

The following words made Meng Yao frown, "I'm in good health."

"Do you cry out in pain every month? If you don't take care of it, who knows if it will cause any major problems? You are not injured once or twice as an athlete. It's nothing now. When you get older, all kinds of problems will come. , and, you think you can still skate for a few more years."

"I'll skate for a few years if I can. Anyway, I don't want to retire now!" Meng Yao was a little angry. After speaking, she got up and hurried back to the room, and closed the door forcefully with her backhand. There was a knocking sound in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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