The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 572 Departure for the Winter Olympics Italy

Chapter 572 Departure for the Winter Olympics Italy
Qiao Yiyuan will take her to the side of the car, pull the passenger door and gently help her to sit in, then go around the front of the car and get in the car, and then close the door before speaking.

"Retire and we get married."

He blurted out without hesitation, indirectly revealing his true thoughts about the future development between them.

Hearing this, she was taken aback for a moment, Liangshang lowered her head and dared not look at him, and said to him full of apology, "I told my mother not to retire. I have no plans to retire either. Brother Qiao, I promised you to get married in two years. , I'm actually afraid that you're in a bad mood..."

He turned to face her sideways, tapped her lips with his fingertips, raised her face with both palms, and focused his faint eyes on her, "You just answer me, can you accept the engagement? It's no longer a verbal engagement .”

She has been hesitating on this question, and when she heard his words, the hesitation in her heart disappeared in a strange way. He would ask this question to support her wishes, but at the same time, she had to give him an unsatisfactory answer.

"Yes!" With a shy smile on her face, she snuggled into his arms and whispered, "I'm afraid your family members will object."

He hugged her tightly and acted as her anchor as always, "You don't have to worry about these, just prepare for the Winter Olympics."

She sat up straight and looked at him, and said very seriously and frankly, "If your family objects when it comes time to get married, I hope we can solve the problem together instead of you alone, and I don't want you to suffer in our relationship." Sorry, okay?"

"It's up to you." He pursed his lips and smiled, raised his hand and curled his fingers to gently scratch her nose, and then asked her, "Why does Coach Chen want you to retire?"

Meng Yao's blushing face instantly turned red, even the tips of her ears turned red. She sat sideways and leaned back in the chair uncomfortably, covered his inquiring gaze with one hand by scratching her forehead, and cleared her throat to adjust her embarrassment.

"I just think I should go back to school. I don't think it's too late for a few years, and the school won't run away..."

"Oh..." His thoughtful eyes turned around her, and with a casual response, he started the car.

After this problem was temporarily resolved, Meng Yao devoted herself to training again.

No.20 The Sixth Winter Olympic Games will hold the opening ceremony in Italy on February [-]th, and the holding time will last for half a month.

Athletes participating in this sports meeting come from 85 countries and regions, and [-] winter snow events.

Finally ushered in the long-awaited, exciting and nervous moment, Qiao Yiyuan and Meng Yao took a plane to Italy with other sports teams from their country.

Only Meng Yao and Ruan Feifei were selected for the women's figure skating competition at this year's Winter Olympics. The two seats happened to be one in front of the other next to the window, and next to them were their respective coaches, Qiao Yiyuan and Coach Su.

Ever since she sat down, Meng Yao was so excited that she couldn't settle down, writhing around like a caterpillar. Qiao Yiyuan, who was sitting next to her, ignored her and talked with the head coach Fang in the back seat.

Meng Yao couldn't hold back anymore and needed someone to express her constant excitement. Qiao Yiyuan was talking to head coach Fang and was too embarrassed to disturb her, so she slapped Ruan Feifei in front of her with enough intentions, and took out a white rabbit toffee from her pocket and handed it over. And pointed her arm with his finger.

"Ruan Feifei, do you want candy?"

Glancing at the big white rabbit toffee held by Meng Yao on her right arm, Ruan Feifei looked at her sideways from the gap between the window and the chair, with disgust in her eyes and tone, "Meng Yao, do you think I'm still a three-year-old?"

(End of this chapter)

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