Chapter 574
"Really?" Meng Yao opened her mouth wide in surprise for a few seconds, and then congratulated her repeatedly, "Congratulations, go back and treat me to dinner."

"Success! Bring me back an Olympic medal!" Gumanni smiled, looking around to become her own office, "Thanks to Ji Shunfeng for giving me the firepower to kill him..."

"Hi, Coach Joe." Biro came to sit down beside Qiao Yiyuan with a plate, greeted him with a smile, and then greeted other Chinese players.

Qiao Yiyuan, who was eating, swallowed the food before looking at him, "I see you are quite relaxed." After speaking, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

"This is only my second time participating in the Winter Olympics. To be honest, I'm so nervous." Biro shook his head as he said, took a mouthful of spaghetti, and frowned after eating it. "The taste is not very good." He looked up and was about to look Qiao Yiyuan, seeing a foreign male athlete chatting up Meng Yao, hurriedly pushed him with his elbow, and pointed to Meng Yao's side with his eyes.

Qiao Yiyuan looked over in the blink of an eye, looked at the foreign male athlete, and narrowed his dim eyes. The foreign male athlete did not behave excessively, but just talked to Meng Yao, so Qiao Yiyuan did not say anything, and calmly lowered his head and continued to eat .

Seeing that he was so calm and unhurried, Biro gave him strong medicine, "Don't you think that's a suitor?"

"So what?" Qiao Yiyuan asked him back, "I can't run away."

Hearing this, Biro unbelievably rolled up the dough and put it in his mouth, not understanding the logic of it.

"Ruan Feifei, that seems to be a ski champion." Meng Yao said to Ruan Feifei.

"And then?" Ruan Feifei looked at her, not interested in the foreign male athlete, "You like you!"

"That's not it." Meng Yao snorted softly, bit her lip and whispered, "I'm so famous." After speaking, she looked at her shyly and smiled like a puppy.

Seeing her current expression, Ruan Feifei secretly rolled her eyes. She didn't know what kind of eyes Qiao Yiyuan was in, and whether there was anything wrong with her eyes.

After being quiet for a while, Meng Yao said to Ruan Feifei, "Let's go for a walk after dinner?"

"Go find your grass." Ruan Feifei refused without thinking.

"Then what are you doing? The dormitory is so boring."

"What do you care about me?"


"Practice." Ruan Feifei glared at her, disliking her for chirping like a bird.

Meng Yao didn't speak now, but she still said quietly, "Don't be so nervous, it made me even more nervous."


After eating, Meng Yao saw Qiao Yiyuan who was waiting for her outside the cafeteria. The cold wind blew his coat swaying, turning it into a beautiful arc from time to time.

"Coach." She walked around two steps away from him and stood still. She checked the coat pockets with both hands and looked at him with a smile.

"Do you want to go around?" He slightly lowered his head and stared at her who was two steps away, holding back the thought of holding her hand with his hand in his coat pocket.

"That's exactly what I mean." She turned around and walked away, saying, "I heard that there is a store, buy some snacks and go back."

"Who is it for?" He asked casually.

"Me and Ruan Feifei!" A strong cold wind blew in front of her, making her shiver, and she stretched out her hand to put the hat on her head.

"Do you have any self-consciousness as a girlfriend?" He suddenly complained.

"Ah?" She looked back at him, stopped at the same pace as him, and looked blankly at his rather displeased handsome face.

"The Winter Olympics will be held for half a month." He said indifferently, but there was a certain reminder in his eyes.

"I know. What's the matter?" Her blank expression turned into confusion.

"Shouldn't you also buy something to calm my emotions?"

(End of this chapter)

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