The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 581 Free Skating·I Am Your Fiance

Chapter 581 Free Skating·I Am Your Fiance

Seeing the scores and then looking at the rankings on the scoreboard, Qiao Yiyuan joked, "Tonight you are all possessed by "mistakes" and collectively lost points. There is a tacit understanding."

Meng Yao squinted at him and snorted softly, "It wasn't on purpose."

He smiled, and stretched his arms to hug her, "That's good, at least we didn't make a big difference when we lost points collectively."

After all the contestants have finished their performances, the ranking of the final short program is as follows——

First place: Agata Shubava 102.91
Second place: Meng Yao 102.75
Third place: Zessie Davis 100.43
Fourth place: Ruan Feifei 97.52
Fifth place: Nicole Nikolaova 96.62
Sixth place: Daikako Yamamoto 90.86

There is a very eye-catching situation in tonight's game. All the players made big or small mistakes, so they were dubbed "magic serial" mistakes by netizens all over the world. It has appeared, but it happened to appear this year.

——"Have the women's singles players made an appointment to find some mistakes? It's hard to laugh or cry? The Winter Olympics has been used to play games. I want to ask about the inner feelings of the Winter Olympics."

Below is a reply from a netizen-

——"The heart of the Winter Olympics is like this: I can't laugh or cry. Can you please be serious? I am the Winter Olympics! Don't you want to take my medal home?"

——"Oh, the women's singles in this Winter Olympics is really fun, I will give [-] execution points for this tacit understanding!"

——"Call Mengyao Ruan Feifei, if you've been skinny for a while, you're not allowed to be skinny again in the free skating tomorrow night, you'll be spanked by your motherland!"

At 21:[-] p.m. on February [-], the women's figure skating free skating at the Winter Olympics begins. Who is the king of the women's singles tonight will be announced in an hour.

After four and 10 minutes of the game, according to the ranking, name, score, total score, and country, the score screen is as follows——

First place, Ruan Feifei: 199.05, 297.02, China.

Second place, Nicole Nikolaova: 197.27, 293.89, Czech Republic.

Third place, Daikako Yamamoto: 195.06, 285.92, Japan.


——"Next up is Jessie Davis, who is third in the short program, from Canada."

Zessie Davis was already on the ice, with her hands resting on the fence and her head hanging down, taking deep breaths. In fact, her legs were shaking a little, and she was afraid that there would be unacceptable mistakes in the free skating.

"Don't be nervous, come on." The coach patted her on the shoulder to encourage.

"Can your feet support it?" Biro patted her head. An hour ago, he had already won the men's singles championship in this Winter Olympics.

She nodded, took a final deep breath, looked up at the two of them, turned around and skating to the center of the ice rink to stand still and get ready.

——"The song is "The Phantom of the Opera"."

From the first note, Zessie Davis is in the music, skating with emotion every step of the way.

——"Davis player's emotion is very strong."

"Wow, amazing." Meng Yao couldn't help marveling at Zessie Davis' expressiveness, "She really surprised me tonight, not like someone with a foot injury."

"You don't look like someone who has been injured, you are simply not human." Qiao Yiyuan who was standing next to her said.

"You're not human." She scolded him softly.

"I'm your fiancé, to put it bluntly, I'm your husband." His tone and expression were so taken for granted.

The word "husband" sounded so awkward to Meng Yao's ears, so she cleared her throat uncomfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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