Chapter 587
Seeing this, Mrs. Qiao said to him softly, "Let's have dinner at home tonight."

This statement means that the topic just now has been suspended.

Qiao Yiyuan looked at her sideways and nodded, "I'm leaving after dinner, and I'm going to continue training after adjusting the jet lag. There will be the World Championships at the end of the month."

"Then you go upstairs and take a nap first, and Mom will call you after dinner." Mrs. Qiao then said.

Qiao Yiyuan nodded, and walked towards the stairs with long legs.

Mrs. Qiao, who had been watching him go upstairs, did not look away until his back was gone. Thinking of the conversation just now, she leaned into the sofa and let out a long breath.

Those who can win glory for the country are not necessarily those who have a good private life.

If Meng Yao is a girl who knows how to be clean and loving, she can accept it even if her education level is not high enough, but the point is that she is not.

At dinner time, Meng Yao was called out by Gumanni to eat, and she chose an elegant western restaurant.

"You invite me to dinner tonight, Brother Qu will invite us to dinner tomorrow night, why not wait until tomorrow." Meng Yao said to her.

As soon as Qu Xi was mentioned, Gumanni was grinding her back teeth, and the steak knife rubbed against the plate to make a screeching sound.

"When I mention him, I get angry. Do you know how insidious he is? Thanks to Mr. Qu, I used to call him Mr. Qu. I should call him Little Man Qu."

He's a fucking bastard!
Seeing her angry face, she looked particularly good-looking, Meng Yao found that her best friend had changed, matured, and had the smell of a strong woman in the workplace, but she was confused about Qu Xi's villain.

"Brother Qu, why is he such a villain?"

"I just learned from him two days ago that he deliberately took me from my original company to work in his company." Gumanni finished speaking in one breath, biting the steak fiercely angrily, as if It was Qu Xi himself who was biting in his mouth.

"Ah?" Meng Yao was stunned for a moment, "That is to say, you are working in Big Brother Qu's company now?"

"Yes!" Gumanni was furious, "Do you know how nasty he is? One day a day for a small meeting and three days for a meeting, he just deliberately tricked me, you know? Colleagues in the department said that there has never been such a phenomenon before. , Since I entered the project department, it has been out of control like the water of the Yangtze River."

Meng Yao laughed "puchi", "From working to returning to school, and from graduating to working, you still haven't escaped the label of being enemies with Brother Qu. Do you think you have a special fate?"

"Who wants to have fate with him, this is evil fate."

"Then you resign!" Meng Yao spread her hands and suggested to her.

However, Gumani suppressed her anger, clenched her fist with one hand and supported her chin and said seriously, "But the salary is twice as high as that of my original company, I am a bit reluctant, and there are indeed many opportunities there." She slammed her mouth and picked up the knife with both hands The fork continued to cut the steak, "When I accumulate enough work experience, my mother will resign immediately!"

"Then does this count as crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?" Meng Yao asked her, seeing that she wanted to argue, she hurriedly said, "OKOK, let's not discuss this issue that annoys you, let's fill our stomachs first."

After being quiet for a while, Meng Yao put down the knife and fork to look at Gumanni, "I think Fourth Brother Qiao's mother doesn't agree with me being with him."

Gumani paused when she heard the movement in her hands, raised her face and frowned at her, "Why do you think so?"

"When he came back from the airport this afternoon to take me home, he answered a call from his mother. I heard his tone was a bit wrong, and I also asked him. He said it might be, but I have a hunch...his mother should be old. I have opposed him being with me for a long time, but he never told me."

Speaking of this, Meng Yao thought of what Qiao Haiting said to her two years ago, coupled with Mrs. Qiao's objection now, she felt a little bad in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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