Chapter 589
It was Lu Feng who first discovered Qiao Yiyuan. Today's Lu Feng is no longer the Lu Feng when he just graduated, and his words and deeds are more calm.

"Mr. Qiao." He stood up, smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Qiao Yiyuan.

Hearing his words, Meng Yao turned her head and saw Qiao Yiyuan standing behind her. She was slightly surprised at first and then surprised, and then stood up to see the two of them shaking hands.

Qiao Yiyuan reached out to shake Lu Feng's hand, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect Xiaoyao to meet Mr. Lu here, what a coincidence."

Lu Feng nodded slightly, looked at Meng Yao with a smile, "I was also surprised."

Qiao Yiyuan followed and lowered his head to look at Meng Yao, his faint eyes hinted at something to her.

Being watched by both of them at the same time, Meng Yao had to do something, especially Qiao Yiyuan's eyes, so she looked at Lu Feng and introduced them to each other solemnly for the first time.

"Although you have met each other a long time ago, I will introduce you to meet each other again today." He cleared his throat, raised his hand to put on Qiao Yiyuan's arm, raised his head and smiled at Lu Fengfeng Said, "Senior, this is my coach, and also my fiance Qiao Yiyuan." After speaking, he said to Qiao Yiyuan, "This is my senior Lu Feng, Lu Yun's brother."

When seeing Meng Yao holding Qiao Yiyuan's arm, Lu Feng's heart seemed to sink slightly. After hearing her introduction, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, but Qingjun's face was still wiped. Body smile.

"Congratulations, I really believe that getting along for a long time can give birth to feelings."

Knowing that she won the Olympic champion yesterday, he was really happy, thinking that he could finally express his love to her again, but the facts in front of him shattered his joy and good wishes.

The girl he has always liked has become someone else's fiancée without knowing it, and he may have never been considered by her.

Therefore, he waited for so long, and it was all in vain.

"Thank you." Meng Yao looked at him with a smile, not knowing what he was thinking and feeling at the moment.

"Then I won't bother you, let's go first, we'll talk when we have time." Lu Feng was actually in a terrible pain, but he still looked at Meng Yao with a smile on his face, and nodded with Qiao Yiyuan before calmly turning and leaving.

It wasn't until Lu Feng walked out of the restaurant that Qiao Yiyuan looked away. Seeing Meng Yao still looking out the door, his left palm hooked her waist and carried her to the side, and his right palm raised her face, squinting his eyes slightly and said in displeasure, "Everyone can't stand it." What are you looking at if you're gone?"

"Brother Qiao, I feel that there is something wrong with the senior." Although he was smiling, his intuition was a little weird.

Of course Qiao Yiyuan would not tell her that Lu Feng still likes her.

"I think you are weird. You only see outsiders, not my fiancé." After speaking, she let go of her and sat down on the chair next to her.

Seeing that he was unhappy, she hurriedly sat down, moved the chair to his side, pushed the dinner plate to the side, put her arms on the table, and smiled flatteringly at him.

"Anyway, you're already out, why don't we go shopping."

Qiao Yiyuan didn't respond, and ignored her.

Meng Yao didn't care whether he ignored her or not. After carrying the backpack, she took the initiative to reach out to hold his right palm, and turned their hands into interlocking fingers, and pulled him away.

Being dragged away by her, the corners of Qiao Yiyuan's mouth turned up without a trace.

After leaving the restaurant, a gust of cold wind blew, and Meng Yao hid behind him like a rabbit, pushing him forward, "Shall we go to the cinema to watch a movie?"

"it is good."

A sense of sweetness called "things you can do in love" spread in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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