The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 598 Short Chapter·Actually, We Are Very Familiar

Chapter 598 Short Program·Actually, We Are Very Familiar
——"Ruan Feifei's score is out! 99:[-] points! Surpassing Nikolaova and ranking third!"

Seeing the score, Ruan Feifei didn't have the big emotions of the previous games, she just applauded herself calmly, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth when looking at the camera.

——"The last one to play is Agata Shubava from Russia, 19 years old, the pride of Russia!"

Agata Shubava hugged the coach through the fence, took a deep breath and skating to the center of the ice rink to get ready. The biggest pressure in her heart still comes from Meng Yao.

- "The track is "APHRODITE"."

In the bathroom, Meng Yao came out from the toilet and walked to the washbasin. She was about to lower her head to wash her hands when Ruan Feifei came in from the door, and the two subconsciously looked at each other.

Ruan Feifei raised her foot and walked towards the toilet.

Meng Yao turned to look at her, "Are you going to retire?"

Ruan Feifei looked at her sideways, said "hmm", then walked into the toilet and closed the door with her backhand.

Looking at the toilet door, Meng Yao turned around and lowered her head to wash her hands silently, then went to the hand dryer to dry her hands.

Ruan Feifei came out from the toilet, saw that she was still there, and walked to the washbasin to wash her hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Meng Yao had gone out, so she went to the hand dryer to dry her hands, and then went out.

"Ruan Feifei, we actually know each other very well!"

Meng Yao's words resounded in vain, Ruan Feifei stopped and turned her head, saw her standing by the door waiting for her, before hearing her speak again.

"We've all played together for five seasons, five years, aren't we very familiar?"

After hearing this, Ruan Feifei's beautiful eyes were inexplicably watery, and she replied slightly with a hint of ridicule, "No, the opponent of the five seasons."

"We can get acquainted outside the arena in the future." Meng Yao meant that she wanted to be friends with her, but she was too embarrassed to say it out loud for fear that she would refuse.

Ruan Feifei couldn't understand what she meant, but she had said before that they were not friends, so they wouldn't say self-defeating words, so they just threw a sentence at her.

"Look at Nie Yuan." After finishing speaking, he left.

Meng Yao looked at her slender back as she walked away, feeling very disappointed.

Although they met on the field and they were also in Beishi, she had never met Ruan Feifei outside of the field, except that she came to see her when she was sick and hospitalized and paralyzed.

When turning the corner, Ruan Feifei saw Qiao Yiyuan standing upright and looking straight ahead without squinting, obviously waiting for Meng Yao, the two looked at each other, and they both kept away at the same time, one walked, and the other remained motionless.

After a while, Meng Yao also came out. She didn't notice Qiao Yiyuan who was at the corner, and only found him when her hand was held by a familiar palm.

"Brother Joe?"

"Look for her tomorrow night." Qiao Yiyuan said to her.

She looked at him with a slightly surprised look, and quickly understood what he meant.

Back at the ice rink, Agata Shubava’s score has come out, and the final ranking of the short program is as follows——

First place: Meng Yao 109.23 (China)
Second place: Agata Shubava 105.09 (Russia)

Third place: Zessie Davis 103.98 (Canada)

Fourth place: Ruan Feifei 99.48 (China)
Fifth place: Nicole Nikolaova 97.81 (Czech Republic)

At 31:58 p.m. on March [-], the free skating of the World Figure Skating Championships began. The end of tonight's competition also means the end of this season.

The five-star red flags in the auditorium were waving one after another.

After the start of the competition, the ranking on the ranking list kept changing. At 22:290, Ruan Feifei set a new personal record with [-] points in free skating, and temporarily ranked first with a total score of [-] [-] bit.

(End of this chapter)

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