The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 615 Give me a few more years

Chapter 615 Give me a few more years

With this question, Meng Yao's face flushed red, ""

"Have you had any relevant examinations, and have you taken any medicine for conditioning?" The doctor had already issued a list when he spoke.

"I haven't checked it. I took medicine for a while, but it didn't improve. I haven't taken it since then..."

The doctor put the list in front of Meng Yao, "Go and pay for a uterine examination first."

Meng Yao said "Oh", picked up the list and hurried out, as if there was a ghost chasing after her.

The first time I had a gynecological examination, I didn't know that I needed to drink water to hold back my urine. It wasn't until the nurse in the color ultrasound room called my name and asked if I was in a hurry.

So Meng Yao ran to drink boiled water desperately, drank a stomachful of water, and didn't stop until she felt sick.

I waited until I felt urgent to urinate before being called in for an examination.

Coming out of the hospital, Meng Yao's complexion was not very good.

It turns out that every time menstruation is so painful, it is because of endometriosis.

Doctors recommend very early treatment to avoid infertility.

However, if the treatment has to delay training.

Meng Yao didn't want to retire, although Chen Juan was determined, especially after listening to what Qiao Haiting said last night, after thinking about it all night, she felt that she couldn't retire.

She wants to prove to others that she can win the world championship without Brother Joe, but she wants to find an excellent coach.

As soon as she got home, Chen Juan, who had just made lunch, hurriedly asked her how the test results were.

Meng Yao hesitated whether to tell the truth, but after careful consideration, she chose to conceal it.

"The doctor said that the palace cold is a bit serious, just take some medicine to regulate it, and pay attention to keeping warm during menstruation."

After finishing speaking, he told Chen Juan straightforwardly and resolutely his thoughts on whether to retire or not, "Mom, I won't retire, give me a few more years, and I promise to retire in a few years."

"How many years are you talking about?" Chen Juan also asked her seriously, "Yaoyao, you are already 23 this year, even in five years, you will already be 27, how long can Yiyuan wait so long?" How long? He is 29 this year, wait another five years, 34, don't forget he still has a company to manage."

Hearing this, Meng Yao thought for a while, but her attitude was still firm, "Mom, I'm not the kind of flower in a greenhouse. I have my own ideas. I hope Mom can support me. It's only been a few years."

Chen Juan was at a loss for words for a while, then thought about what her daughter said was not wrong.

"Then you promise mom to take good care of your body."


On the day Qiao Yiyuan came back from other places, the night was the time for the "China Top Ten Lawrence Champion Awards" sports awards ceremony, and the two arrived in Haishi at two o'clock in the afternoon and checked into the top floor suite of the hotel.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Yao woke up, checked the seat next to her, it was empty and cold, she opened her eyes, sat up on the bed, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Opening the door and walking out of the living room barefoot, seeing Qiao Yiyuan talking with someone, he was stunned for a moment, and was about to retreat to the room, but was discovered by the two people who were talking, and they couldn't help standing there in embarrassment.

"Let's do this first, and I'll contact you later." After Qiao Yiyuan said to Gao Hai, he stood up and walked towards Meng Yao.

Gao Hai responded, packed up the documents on the coffee table, and called Meng Yao, "Ma'am" before leaving.

Hearing the phrase "Ma'am", Meng Yao was stunned, looked up at Qiao Yiyuan, and his cheek was lightly pinched by him.

"Did he call the wrong person?"

Holding her in his arms, he raised his hand to trace her eyebrows and eyes with his fingertips, and stared at her with deep eyes, "I am his boss, and you are my wife. If you don't call me madam, what do you call her?"

(End of this chapter)

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