The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 640 Concealment is not the only way

Chapter 640 Concealment is not the only way

Hearing this, Qiao Yiyuan looked down at the little woman in his arms, then let go of the arms around her waist, and motioned her to sit on the sofa.

Meng Yao was very obedient, but as soon as she left his arms, she took her bag and left, and even made a funny face at him before closing the door.

Qiao Yiyuan's handsome face immediately sank, and he directed his grievances to Qin Fei, "I heard? Has your brain degenerated? You dare to say such a low IQ word in front of me. I will give you 10 minutes to find out. I can’t find out that this month’s salary and bonus will be fully deducted!”

After being bombarded like this, Qin Fei felt so wronged, and was about to explain a few words, when he saw Meng Yao running past the hall of the internal medicine building, he instantly understood why the boss was inexplicably angry, it was all because the fourth young lady didn't accompany him!

"Got it, boss..."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei went to the monitoring room of the hospital like a young daughter-in-law.

With a snap, the phone was thrown on the cabinet.

Thinking of Meng Yao's seemingly preoccupied appearance when he came in, and thinking of Qin Fei's words just now, Qiao Yiyuan's dark eyes were as cold as a pool of cold.

Leaving the hospital, Meng Yao went to the gynecology department of another hospital for an examination. When she left, her complexion was not good, and the doctor's words lingered in her mind.

"Your endometriosis should have been treated a long time ago, why did you delay until now?" The doctor frowned as he looked at the examination report.

"Is it serious?" Meng Yao's heart rose to her throat, "I have always taken medicine."

"If it's really serious, I can already tell you that you are infertile. If you haven't reached that level, I have to thank you for taking medicine all the time, but you still need to actively treat it. Do you have any plans to have children now?"


"It's very difficult to get pregnant in your current situation. Let's treat it first. Why didn't your fiancé come with you?"

"He... doesn't know yet."

The doctor who wrote the list looked at her, bowed his head and continued writing, "Since you have decided to get married, you must communicate well. Concealment is not the only way." After speaking, he handed her the list, "Change the medicine first to see the situation, and reply after taking it." Check, see the results of the re-examination to decide on surgery."

Standing in front of the hospital gate, Meng Yao breathed a heavy heart, put all the conversations with the doctor behind her, looked down at the large pack of medicine in her hand, mixed with frustration and despair.

A Bentley drove towards the gate of the hospital, and stopped suddenly when it passed Meng Yao, and the windows of the car lowered slowly.

"Meng Yao?"

Meng Yao looked up, only to find a car parked on the side, the owner had already opened the door and got out of the car, Ruan Feifei was standing by the door, taking off her sunglasses with one hand, she was pretty even without makeup.

"Ruan Feifei?"

Speaking of which, although Meng Yao and Ruan Feifei haven't met each other in the past few years, they occasionally chat on the chat software. What they didn't say to each other is that as long as there is no competition, they will secretly go to the scene to watch each other's performance time. .

Meng Yao's unfamiliarity with the ballet stage has improved because of this, and in terms of artistic accomplishment, she owes it to watching Ruan Feifei's performance.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but the ugly duckling has turned into a swan." Ruan Feifei had a faint smile on her charming face.

Meng Yao looked at her and smiled, "I'm just a white feather on a swan. Are you uncomfortable?"

Otherwise, why come to the hospital?
When she asked, Ruan Feifei blushed, which was unprecedented, and Meng Yao was startled, stunned and confused.

"Wait a minute." Ruan Feifei sat back in the car.

Meng Yao bent over to look at her from the car window, and saw that she came out with a wedding card and wrote on it with a pen, then got out of the car, closed the car door, walked around the front of the car, and handed her both hands to herself.

"The wedding at the end of this month, you and Mr. Qiao are welcome to attend." Ruan Feifei's beautiful face was very red.

(End of this chapter)

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