The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 651 Seeing the Parents

Chapter 651 Seeing the Parents

Seeing his pampering expression, Chen Juan was helpless, and turned her head to look at Meng Yao who was still struggling, "Forget it, forget it, you can figure it out."

When Chen Juan went out, Qiao Yiyuan walked up to Meng Yao, gently supported her slender waist with his right palm, and picked up a long lake green embroidered dress to compare to her with his left hand.

"Haven't worn it yet?"

"These are all brought back from the United States. Many of them haven't been worn. You buy so much, I don't have so much time to wear them." Meng Yao complained that he had nothing to do to buy so many clothes and put them in the closet.

"I'll give you the card and you won't swipe it. All I can do is ask the clothing store to deliver clothes to put in the wardrobe every quarter."

"I also have money, why should I swipe your card, besides, we are not married, so we have no position to spend your money."

"Then there must be a position now, right?"

She looked up at him with a smile in her eyes, and raised her lips, "Have you received the certificate?"

Smiling at her secretively, he stuffed the clothes into her arms, "Hurry up and change, I'm going to have dinner at my house today before leaving."

"Oh..." She pouted slightly, and took the clothes to change.

When approaching Qiao's house, Meng Yao became more and more nervous.

A few minutes later, the car arrived in front of the big carved iron gate of Qiao's house. The iron gate opened slowly to both sides automatically. Qiao Yiyuan drove in, and the iron gate closed automatically and slowly.

Go all the way in, pass the rockery fountain, bypass a large area of ​​flower beds, lawns, and tree-lined driveways, and finally stop in front of a three-story mansion with a large area.

After stopping the car, Qiao Yiyuan turned to look at Meng Yao. In fact, he was paying attention to her reaction along the way.

"Are you nervous?" He stretched out his hand to shake her hand, and found that it was cold, his brows were lightly raised, "Don't worry, I'm here, huh?"

Meng Yao was so nervous that her expression was a little stiff, and she nodded her head suddenly.

Touching her pretty face, Qiao Yiyuan pushed the door to get out of the car, walked around the front of the car and opened the passenger seat door, took her hand to get out of the car, closed the door, and led her towards the main hall door.

Uncle Li was already standing at the door, saw Qiao Yiyuan leading Meng Yao in, and greeted him with a smile, "The fourth young master is back." Then he looked at Meng Yao, and said with a pleasant smile, "This is Miss Meng."

Qiao Yiyuan took off his suit jacket and handed it to Uncle Li, and said to Uncle Li, "This is Meng Yao." Then he said to Meng Yao, "This is Uncle Li, who has been in our family for more than forty years, like family."

"Hi Uncle Li." Meng Yao smiled.

"Hi Miss Meng." Uncle Li smiled.

Qiao Yiyuan took off her thin coat, handed it to Uncle Li, and led her in.

Uncle Li smiled and watched the backs of them going in, and he sighed when he couldn't see them, "Fourth young master finally settled down, it's not easy!" He turned around and hung up his clothes.

All the way in, the servants who passed by greeted her one after another, and Qiao Yiyuan also responded, still not forgetting to slow down to buffer her nervous time, and comforted her in a low voice.

Meng Yao was so nervous that her palms broke out in cold sweat.

Walking into the main hall, Mrs. Qiao was holding a baby boy who was several months old in her arms. She was talking with Lu Shan and Zhao Yusheng, Mrs. Qiao's third young lady, talking and laughing happily.

Lu Shan was the first to see them coming in, and said with a smile, "A Yuan is back." Hua Luo and Zhao Yusheng both stood up, and they were also sizing up Meng Yao secretly.

Qiao Yiyuan brought Meng Yao to the sofa area and introduced them, "This is Meng Yao." After that, he lowered his head to look at Meng Yao, raised his palm and introduced to her one by one, "My mother, second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law."

"Hello, Auntie." Meng Yao smiled decently, looked at Mrs. Qiao and said hello intently, and blurted out the words in her heart without paying attention, "Auntie is so young."

(End of this chapter)

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