The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 661 Marriage Certificate

Chapter 661 Marriage Certificate

Qiao Yiyuan couldn't help laughing, and explained to her in a low voice, "This is not a family rule, but a performance that has been subtly influenced. My parents have always had a good relationship, and our brothers grew up in their emotional atmosphere. Wherever we go, we see them holding hands."

"Actually, the role of holding hands between lovers and husbands and wives is like kissing." Speaking of this, he stared at her eyes and said affectionately, "I said that I will hold your hand for the rest of my life, no matter where I go. Let's go, time to eat."

Meng Yao let him lead him away, looked at his side face, and after listening to his explanation, she seemed to understand that all his words and deeds came from the influence of his parents. Although his parents made mistakes in some things, but There are no perfect people and no perfect parents.

It is indeed a very happy thing to hold hands with the one you love.

There are two ends of the long dining table in the restaurant, Qiao Haiting at one end and Qiao Yining at the other end, with seats on both sides, making the dining atmosphere relaxed and pleasant.

After eating, Qiao Yiyuan and Meng Yao followed Qiao Haiting and Mrs. Qiao into the study, and the four of them sat facing each other.

"Come on." Qiao Haiting patted the back of Mrs. Qiao's hand and said warmly.

Mrs. Qiao turned her head to look at him, looked at Qiao Yiyuan and Meng Yao who were opposite, thought for a while and said, "Xiaoyuan, I have been thinking about what you said at noon today, and I hope to give you an answer when Miss Meng leaves."

"Has mom made up her mind?" Qiao Yiyuan looked at her and asked.

Meng Yao was also very nervous at this time.

"We have no objection to your marriage, but the premise is that Ms. Meng needs to be cured first. We hope that your children are not brought back from outside. The family is big and the business is big. We can't agree with you to hand over the family business to people who are not related to you. People who are related to us, our concerns, I believe you can figure it out with your intelligence."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Qiao looked at Meng Yao, then looked back at Qiao Yiyuan and said, "We can invite the best experts to treat Ms. Meng, so as to speed up her recovery, and then your wedding can also be speeded up."

"But Mom, even after surgery, there is still a recovery period, I can't wait." Qiao Yiyuan expressed his thoughts directly.

Mrs. Qiao looked at him for a minute, and finally said, "If you don't want to marry Miss Meng, then just wait, anyway, you won't choose other girls, and we don't have any hope for you, hope It would be practical for Ms. Meng to recover soon."

Meng Yao opened her mouth, but Qiao Yiyuan stopped her, and said to her in a gentle voice, "Xiao Yao, I'm sorry, you can go out and wait for a while, okay?"

Meng Yao looked at him, his handsome face was full of refusal, she sighed secretly, and said to him, "Say it well." Seeing him nodding, she got up, "Uncle, aunt, I'm going out first."

Qiao Haiting and Mrs. Qiao both nodded.

After the door was closed, Qiao Yiyuan said, "Five years ago, Meng Yao and I were legally married, so whether you agree or not, we are actually only one wedding away."

Qiao Haiting and Mrs. Qiao were both so shocked that they couldn't believe it, but it's not like his son didn't understand, if he dared to say that, he was definitely close to each other.

Qiao Yiyuan took out the two marriage certificates from his trouser pocket, put them on the glass coffee table, and pushed them in front of Mrs. Qiao Haiting.

"If you don't believe me, you can take a look."

Qiao Haiting and Mrs. Qiao lowered their eyes, then reached out to pick up the marriage certificate, opened it, saw the photo on it, and the big seal, and instantly felt angry.

"Qiao Yiyuan, how could you!" Qiao Haiting glared at Qiao Yiyuan angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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