The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 678 You are the most important

Chapter 678 You are the most important
After hanging up the phone, Meng Yao called Chen Juan again to tell her the news of her pregnancy, but it made Chen Juan happy, and Chen Juan then told her second uncle and aunt Meng the good news.

After Mrs. Qiao ordered the driver to pick up Meng Yao from the central hospital, she called Qiao Haiting as soon as she came back.

Qiao Haiting spent the whole morning in the conference room, and just after he walked out of the conference room, he received a call from Mrs. Qiao.


"Old Qiao, Yaoyao has it."

"Really? That's great." Qiao Haiting was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked, "Does Ah Yuan know?"

"Not yet, Yaoyao said she wants to tell him herself. In the afternoon, you accompany me to buy some nutritional supplements. You finally got pregnant, so you can't be careless."

"Fine, fine, it's all up to you, even if you buy all the nutritional products in Jeonbuk City, I'm fine with it."

"Now I can finally rest assured."

Qiao Haiting laughed.

When Meng Yao came to Qiao Yiyuan's office, Qiao Yiyuan was not in the office, so he sat in his office chair and waited, but he couldn't see anyone, so he called him.

Qiao Yiyuan was in the planning department at this time, saw Meng Yao's call, and connected directly.

"Where are you?" Meng Yao cut to the chase.

Qiao Yiyuan wondered, "Are you in the company?"

"Your office."

"I didn't want you to take a good rest and come here again." He frowned and said, signaled for a pause in the discussion with one hand, and turned to leave the planning department.

"It was the lady boss's call just now?"

"It's almost inseparable. When the boss's wife called, the expression of the boss changed."

"Hey... the proprietress is lucky. If she meets a boss, her status will be stable even if she doesn't have children for a few years."

When he returned to the office, he saw Huidao waiting for his wife sitting in the office chair with her chin in her hands. Her face was not tired, but she was very energetic.

"What's so happy? There are smiles in the corners of the eyes." Qiao Yiyuan walked around the desk and came to her side, resting his palms on the armrests, trapping her in the office chair.

Meng Yao raised her head and kissed her thin lips forcefully, took out the blood test results from her bag and showed him with both hands, "Look!"

Looking at her, Qiao Yiyuan lowered his eyes and saw the data behind the progesterone. He was filled with excitement in some uncertain words, "Does this mean pregnancy?"

"Yes! I just came from the hospital."

Qiao Yiyuan looked down at her flat belly, a suppressed smile appeared on Jun's face, he hugged her with open arms, and breathed warm breath in her ears, "Great, congratulations, you are going to be a mother!"

"Congratulations on becoming a father too." Meng Yao wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled in his arms.

The phone rings.

Qiao Yiyuan took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, saw that it was Mrs. Qiao, and asked her, "Did you tell mom?"

"Mom was the first to know." Meng Yao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qiao Yiyuan looked at her with gusto, swiped her thumb to connect, "Mom."

"Xiaoyuan, did Yaoyao tell you?"


"Mom forgot to tell Yaoyao just now that you can't announce your pregnancy in the first three months, do you understand?"

Although he didn't understand why, Qiao Yiyuan agreed, hung up the phone and said to Meng Yao, "Honey, Mom said that the first three months cannot be announced."

"Well, good." Ever since the pregnancy was confirmed, the corners of Meng Yao's mouth have been raised, "Honey, I'm so happy, I feel so happy."

Qiao Yiyuan smiled lightly and raised his fingers to scrape her nose lightly. He stared at her lovingly and said, "I also feel very happy. You will have to work hard in the next days. I will reduce my workload to accompany you and will not be left out in the cold." You." Seeing her open her mouth, she said again, "Money can't be earned, you are the most important."

(End of this chapter)

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