The National Treasure of Figure Skating

Chapter 683 Fan: Each other is the one who will join hands for a lifetime

Chapter 683 Fan: Each other is the person who will join hands for a lifetime

Meng Yao looked at him now, and asked deliberately, "What do you ask? You are such a big man, with hands and feet, won't you go back?"

Qiao Yiyuan was filled with grievance, stopped talking, and ate silently.

Meng Yao looked at him quietly, but ignored him.

After the meal, the three little devils were bathed with the help of the nanny.

Meng Yao went back to her room and was about to take a bath, but she saw Qiao Yiyuan sitting on the edge of the bed, as if waiting for her, she pretended not to look at him, and walked towards the bathroom with her feet, "Don't you need to go to work tonight?"

"Internal issues are more important than going to the company." Qiao Yiyuan followed her into the bathroom, leaned against the threshold and watched her drain the water, and the water volume in the bathtub, which could accommodate four people, gradually increased.

"What internal problem?" Meng Yao turned back to look at him, "I'm going to take a shower. If you don't go to the company, you should come back with documents to read, right? I'll call you when I'm done."

Qiao Yiyuan had already taken off his clothes, "Together."

"Then you wash first."

In the past few years, I have been used to bathing together frequently, and there will be a loving scene of mandarin ducks playing in the water, but tonight she just doesn't want to bathe with him. Who made him always favor his daughter, how many times have I said it, it's always like this.

When walking beside her, Qiao Yiyuan stretched out his right arm to wrap her around her waist and hugged her, her back pressed against his chest and abdomen, and he lightly pinched her chin with one hand and raised her face.

"Unhappy?" He didn't seem to provoke her.

"Old question, do you want to discuss it?" She raised her eyebrows and asked him.

He stared at her eyes, "If there is a problem, it should be solved, although it is a little difficult."

"Little difficulty? In your heart, a daughter is more important than a son." It may be more important than her wife.

"A son is more important than a daughter in your heart." Maybe even more important than his husband.

here we go again……

Meng Yao secretly rolled her eyes, the water flooded out of the bathtub, she pushed his hand away, turned around to turn off the water, turned around and looked at him with her arms crossed, "That's because you dote on your daughters a lot, as a mother, of course I should love them more. Question?"

"But in my opinion, you also dote on your son more than your daughter. As a father, of course I should love her more, is that okay?"

"Also, if you continue to spoil her like this with your parents, have you thought about what will happen in the future?"

"I think you should give Xianxian more love, not just Xiaoyu and Xiaochen."

"I didn't say I didn't love her."

"That means you don't love me."

"Who says I don't love you..." After finishing speaking, Meng Yao stopped, staring at him with her mouth open, took a deep breath for a while, "Sleeping with you every day is still called not loving you?"

"You just said tonight that you won't sleep with me." He didn't want to sleep with the little devil, not even his daughter.

"You..." Meng Yao was really annoyed by him, "Going around in such a big circle, you are jealous of your son, why are you so narrow-minded? You are not an outsider."

"You are my wife. When you were pregnant with them, you said that I was the most important, but you didn't."

"Mr. Qiao, you also said that I was the most important, but you didn't do it, OK? And that's because I saw that you all treated your daughters a lot better, and I thought it was unfair to my sons, so I loved them more."

"Girls should be pampered, so they won't be abducted by men's sweet words in the future. If you are so kind to your son, will you find a wife who is like a mother in the future?"

"..." Meng Yao nodded feebly, "All right, all right. So, what's the conclusion?"

"The conclusion is that you have to sleep with me every night. We are the ones who will join hands for a lifetime. The child is not unimportant, but the person who is not with him is important, so... There is nothing wrong with loving each other more than the child." After saying that, Qiao Yiyuan opened his arms towards her, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't want to be jealous of my son anymore."

Hearing the latter sentence, Meng Yao couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth, walked towards him with open arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him affectionately.

I don't know when I walked under the lotus head, and both of them got wet...

(End of this chapter)

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